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avc Jan 2014
Like a bird in a cage
A mangled body caught in a trap
But everything looks fine if you can't see that

Beauty is what they say they see
All I can see is the fear engulfing me
Making me mute
afraid to alter the environment
for I am sure to lose!

Oh, and lose I do!
They pity my attempts
They call me sweet and kind
but see a broken child in my depths.

I suppose thats what I am
A broken child at best
I could never break free
being born into a tangled mess

It is no ones fault
They did the best they could
I simply do not know
What it is I was meant to do.

Do I not know enough?
Am I not strong?
Why is it I feel, I do everything wrong...

What do I do now?
Voluteering at a loss
My anxiety to speak
Seeps through my teeth
Effecting the room
so no one "bothers" me.

But they aren't a bother...
I wish I could talk
I don't mean to be mute
It just feels like Im blocked

My mind goes blank
and all I can do is smile
i just want you to know...
I am more then just a child....

Stay with me and talk
don't ask me questions
It is nice to hear your voice
Can't hear mine?.. oh, please don't mention it!

Just tell me where you come from
What you love and what you don't
Why your here and how its been
It would be so nice for me
To just listen peacefully

Sometimes I feel it would have been easier
Being born without a voice
So others would understand
It really isn't my choice.

— The End —