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Liquid Oct 2013
Your skin was veneered in glitter and glass

That will surely shatter soon

And scatter and spangle across the evergreens

So you can’t lead me down to your garden path

Strip yourself from all your artifice

What are you?

I can see your misleading eyes

Across the dance floor

When this masquerade ball is over

Who will you be?

A fine damsel in distress

Maybe another skeleton in my closet

Or a succubus in my empty bed;

And no longer the monster underneath.

I took the risk and

Kissed your vinaceous lips

And so I got drunk

We entwined like vines on a trellis

The way we intersected unintentionally

But not impossibly

We’re like dangling strings of a violin

The way our melody remained unsung

Until now.

— The End —