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Endia Chardea Oct 2014
Laugh because you smile
Smile because you laugh
Laugh like no one is listening
Smile like no one is watching
Love like you will recieve a gift
Give everyday like Christmas
Forgive like you were never hurt
Sing like the angels
Be an angel to someone
Be a geany and grant wishes
More than three, a life supply
Fall love like you've never fallen
And when you fall
Get back uplike you;ve never fallen
Smile like you'be never grined
Laugh like its you first time
Wake up with the birds
You have no time to waste
Only waste time when time wants it
And that is never
Pet a lion ad see if it he bites
Eat an apple to see if it is spoiled
Do extra and the extreme
Be you and not me
Fly with the angels and birds
Swera never
Promise nothing
Speak out, say something
Move around, don't be still
Listen to music, then make your own
Sit quite and grow strong
Live life, don't moan
Pain stays and pain goes
Pictures last long
Letters even longer
Add dates to keep count
This world is tricky on days
Mondays feel like Tuesdays
And Tuesdays feel like Thursdays
You don't have to have a reason
Not for every thing
Sometimes its better to do what you feel
And not what you mean
And don't be mean
There isno reason to
For God loves you
And so not stare
Or give that glare
Someone could get hurt
Or already is
For you know nothing of that person
Compared to what God knows
That person could have it all
Awrds lined up on the walls
With no family or friends
Or even worse
No religion
So laugh alot
It helps, alot
Smile because it means your alive
Frown to much and you could die
Count you blessings
If you can count that high
And pray up toward the sky
Were the moon and staes look down
They se everything
Things you can and can not see
Some things that neither please them
Nor me
Be happy you're not dead
Not yet
Smile often so God feels appreciated
"Love all" the Bible states it
Live wiht o regrets, but one
The one where you  regreted something that made you have fun
Thats right, that is in life
you have fun when you laugh
When you smile
Take a picture, worth while
Keep going every mile
Take a shot here and there
Yea, they hurt, but its a great worth
You think about what you could lose
Or, what you lost, if to late
So if everything is at stake
Be happy
Be clam
Sit down
Stay quite
Make sound
And love all around
is you use this please give me credit  Endia Dees

— The End —