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Zach Merrill Nov 2010
well the royal's gone, and so are you. so i'll sit here and think my things thru.
It's funny how things change between good and bad, But it's how things go and i'm glad that your glad.
so goodnight, farewell, cuase i'll see you in hell.

And i don't know how to change how i feel, it's my sixth sence, one you could never steal.
It's funny how things seem to unwined, when everything seems together and seems alright.
so goodnight, farewell, cuase i'll see you in hell.

And as i'm writeing this song, It seems like revenge.
It seems sweet it seems right, but it's wrong in the end....
cuase your there for me i know that you are, but it's nighs like this you seem so far... so far away...
P for Poems Sep 2015
A failure that i am,
a failure to the clan.
wavering doubts,
A failure sprouts,
A messed up mind,
wish time unwined.
One shot one goal,
one chance to roll.
just one it is you cant go back,
listen to the people who say "dont slack".
take their words well,
as you wont be able to tell.
until when theres nothing but memories,
and all you have is plain worries.
So Try your very best,
so you can be better then the rest,
and show the world your success.

— The End —