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Matthew Walker Dec 2013
we place immeasurable weight
on worthless unnecessaries
mindsets carousel pointless
reverberation off desolate hearts

school, jobs, money, houses,
cars, clothes, shoes, religion, media,
materialistic vacancy

food is waste
shelter is empty
water is dead

I don't want to survive
if I'm not alive
Hands Sep 2013
it makes its entrance in flashy fogs,
the selfish hog of
undesired credibility,
the crushing weight of "cool."
it's so like
the fragile strength of the rain,
burning on your skin,
yearning to slip in
to something a little more casual,
a little more
we flirt in codes
we glance in nods
we feel in rhythms
we speak in silence,
we dance together with the thrusts and sways of our bony little hips,
feeling and inspecting one another
though never looking upon either face.
it was so real yet so fake,
plastic kisses and the taste of regret,
the sterile defilement of a hotel bed,
your **** in my mouth,
your ***** on my chin,
your hand on my head and
my insecurity's egging me on,
whispering the truths that often try to hide
within the narrow little alleyways of my tiny little head,
"it is too late to save yourself,"
"you were never clean anyway,"
"heaven is a lie,"
"you have no say."
I choke on your ****,
you tell me to shut up,
you slap both my cheeks and
you tell me to grow up.
it all pushes me down so hard,
so strong,
so discouragingly,
so relentless in its intent
like the gentle power of the rain,
the bursting burning on my skin,
the heaviness of unnecessaries.
I make my exits in flashy fogs,
I am a magician,
a wizard,
a ghost and
a demon.
I am a legend,
a fable,
a story with no end,
lost to the cities full
of ancient histories and ruined worlds
and patterns of the Earth forgotten;
I am woven into the rich and tangled workings of the world forgotten.
the devil doesn't feel
Ariana V Mar 2011
They carried me to your room.
They placed me on your bed.
Pushed the hair out of my face.
Gently placed it behind my ear,
and softly played with it
as you read.
Benevolently caressing
my face and arms.

As caressing as they were,
as sweet as they are,
as guiding and protecting,
they drive me mad!

The way they make
my soul go through my skin.
How they pull out
the most dormant emotions
of the moment.
How they handle me.
Fingertips tracing my outline,
pushing away the unnecessaries,
pulling my lips closer to yours.
Warm and gentle,
yet pursuing,
traverse under a tent
that hides what is yours.
And as you take the seconds,
and make them hours,
my body yearns.
It's screaming for a warmth,
a very specific one.
Your kisses slowly
down my neck to shoulders,
send me into shudders.
And these shudders continue...

And the perfect cliff hanger.
We must postpone this for another moment.
And if all is as intended, that moment would be perfection on earth.
17:24      If everything was stripped down to the core, where only the essence would remain.
We would've taken out the unnecessaries (others like myself)
The core of all, like the spine of a book; the core of the earth where gravitational force decreases linearly, visible yet intangible , uncorrupted...  

17:53       We are not who we think we are or the people we know ourselves to be; we are but a mere shadow, a shell of our former selves. Like oil spills and chemical waste; pollutants lying in our customized puddle of ignorance, that doesn't make us any more innocent. Doesn't absolve us of our guilt.

18:04       We will be in touch.
7 December 2021

— The End —