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Reece Apr 2013
I shift swiftly from the window sill
Fearless after forlorn grievances
Hey Taylor you have me believin'
Failed love stories, you're just teasin'

Eighteen years and I reached maturity
Listened to your ballads, felt amorous
I can't ask that you'll write me a song
I must confess, I think of you all day long

I want you to see me, white horse mounted
Rescue you from a life rebounding
I raise a hand and pray to the lord
But you're the reason for the teardrops on my keyboard

Why can't you see... me?
Are we meant to be?
I would hold your hand,
let your soul fly free.
Jessica Lim Oct 2011
There is a blankness that  rests in your eyes
There are times when the eyes can’t see, when the mouth can’t speak.
There is a blankness in your eyes, and a solitude within
There are times when you look up
And all there is are Van Gogh swirls
And the illumination of skies far away.
She looks at you and you don’t know what to say
You look around and there is black paint splattered on the
walls of your heart
You look around and the ground your bare feet walk on is as rough as your calloused hands
You look on
And in the distance lies the future you’ve always dreamed of reaching
laced with the unreachable, unnatainable qualities of the niavate you lost years ago.
You look on into the reflection in the water at the lies that have become your reality and you saw everything as truth
And she looks at you still,
and yet your mouth has shut, stapled down by the incorrigible boy of you that knows you have sinned.
And yes, you have sinned.
You have sinned.
And she wants to help. She looks at you
with the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen
And for once
You finally look at her and say
“I have sinned”
“I have sinned”.
Marina Jan 2014
Lay alone in the dark.
Eyes closed staring at the ceiling.
My heart sinks inside my chest.
Thoughts spiraling out of control.
"Why am I here?"
"How long do I have left?"
It makes me feel so empty.
How most of my life is wasted.
Tossed aside by unnecessary things.
I don't want to be tied down.
By the miserable pleaurlties of my mother before me.
Explore, live in happiness, achieve my dreams.
That is the life I want to live.
It seems so unnatainable.
Out of reach.
I hide in the darkness for now.
In my own treacherous meloncholy.
Until that one day illuminates me.

— The End —