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KILLME Feb 2014
My troubles go undetected
soft fabric keeps them protected
now no one needs to ask me
how I obtained this injury
And no longer do I have to lie
which often leads me to cry
and start the cycle again
wondering when it will end
I wanted to write this better
unfortunately I didn't have the energy
nor do I wish to revisit it later
Willman Mar 2018
I am a fly on the wall undected by everyone.
I am surrounded by happiness but drowning in sorrow.
I am surround by love and filled with hate.
I surrounded by people who love me yet I have never felt so alone.
I walk the same halls I drive the same roads I sleep under the same sky and rise to the same sun.
There are 7 billion people in this world yet I’m still alone.
R Catherine Feb 2021
Naked and curled, I lay there dejected.
Steam in my face, all thought is infected
with rivers of blood down the drain, I'm affected.
Suicide thoughts in my head are infective.
Head on my knees, lost in my own perspective.
Hot water beats down on my back, I've neglected
these thoughts for too long, they rise up and object. It
takes no time at all to feel disconnected.

Walking the halls, I feel too connected
to beats in my ears, my tears, I reject them.
I look down the stairwell, I just want to end it.
The things that I feel most days go undected.
I just want to let go, I feel too rejected
by anything good and I'm overprotective
of my broken pieces that create my perspective.
Takes no time at all to feel disconected...
Instagram @whimsical_writestry

— The End —