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Mateadi Thabiso Mar 2015
last night I sat in the dark
fishing for luminous words from
what seemed like a shallow furrow of thoughts
and I found myself stuck
between realities I dare not speak

allowing time to whisk me
to the edge of the world I only see in a dream,
indulging in calamities I cant seem to unreveal,
for Im stuck between two worlds of conflicting

The night with whom I conversed the
perplex complexities, mimicked the
unbirthed reality, leaving me in a pool
of confusion and a list of future uncertainities
again I find myself stuck between
worlds I dare not speak

The words I utter seem to fade
in the deep belly of the hours I sat, as
the only hope I hold on to,
is that of morning when a thick line
is drawn between my dreams and my reality

Last night I sat in the dark eluded by sleep,
swimming in a pool of written
ideas of metaphors, to undress the thoughts
that lie far beneath my sleepless nights,
and haunted by words I dare not speak
Vaishali Jan 2020
We are creatures of perpetual pain
And pain us,He will
For all the hearts bound to you
To me,In loitering uncertainities of
Fleeting human affection
Will at once keep pulling the strings
And like puppets in hands of
A meek infant of a few months
We are hurled,every which way in
Answer to our conviction.
Mirthlessly,the world laughs,accuses
Us of love,the sin every sinner walks
The evil that cuts evil,should it stay.
And we keep handing away
Our strings to people with debts to pay
Their nuisance lures us to fix the
World with congenial evening walks
Their eyes are ever so sacred,for when
Their mouth runs and runs unholy,
Look in their eyes and all your strings
Come taut in unison to haul the weight
Of lies comforted in muted acceptance.
From far away enough,the streets that led
You looked like shimmering little
Shards of ice,blinding.
Unearthly,so much so that you'd walk
In bare feet and love veiled.
Your soles run red and blue,numb and
Somehow throbbing,
Like the love you once knew.
Keep on walking,these strings
Will keep thinning.
I wrote it while thinking about all that we go through to give someone the power to control us while trusting them to never use it.And sometimes,we give it to people who are going to abuse it.

— The End —