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comfort Jul 2014
You see me day by day at the corner
Pockets in hand
Shelves of rotting produce cardboard boxes
20 cent sweets that past their sell by date a year ago..

Diligently you see me, come rain or high waters
I stand there pockets in hand
From dusk till dawn
Broken lips that whistle all day
Zimba chips, Cool time, packet tamaties.
A tune the little ones love to hear
No choice I have, ends meat is all I crave
But you brand me as a low class citizen.

Education I have not The Class room smarts they say
I can't construct a well thought out  sentence
With concords alliteration and all those linguistic devices.
But I know how to communicate
I can't solve Linear Equations or know who pythagoras is
Buh I give you correct change to the last decimal.

I give you tabs that your hyper markets and pick & pays stores will never allow.
But you still brand me as a low class citizen
Any mischievous activities occur I'm the first to wear the blame.
And no apology is afforded to me
The man at the corner

The robs I wear are not to my liking but are a testament to my financial struggle.
All you see is a **** Bo tsotsi.
Does a mans status really revolve around money.
How I wish my luck will change with those 7 miniature *****.
But still you'll find me, the man at the corner.

You pass me by in your luxury cars with your fancy titles.
I have only known Bra Dross.
Well that's sufficient for me
Buh still with your discerning eyes feel like shackles to my navel constricting my ambition to pass on my name
But still you find me, the man st the corner

I excepted my fate buh still looking forward to my better day
Next time you see the. Man at the corner
Leave a greet for him, share a smile with him
He is just a man
A man at the corner who said no to un lawfulness

— The End —