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Timothy Oliphant Apr 2015
Meeting my love, as she slide onto my lap.
Her long and black, her body sweet and golden.
The day time flew and I seeking her again.
I wanted her as my African love...

She spoke to me in the most intelligent words, as the minds saw visions of us together and at war.

I wanted her as my African princess

The year rang and Valentine's cupid'd us she lays her heady shoulder.

The day, the night, the minute,  wants the second a day provides.

My need to hear her voice became I love you, simce her crown to met my knight in anger speaks of the will broken.

I wanted her as my African woman.

She loved me as a truthworthy man, the eyes to see, the words to read for I want all to be no more.

The relationship offered was the true scene of love as it is forever.

Not ever a man's touch but not ever touched.

While to remain forever untouched by any other.

I been knighted on her doorstep, I have wwatched outside the castle.

I screamed for my love as I have not learned how to live without my princess.

— The End —