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Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
We made travel upon a road.
Of coarse stones and leaves aplenty.
Shrubs framed the dire edges.
Unable to support much life.

We watched through a clouded mirror.
As Toblin's men marched through.
Torches in hand.
Held by the ages.
Our memories were there still.
Able to send waves of history.
Screaming, dying, crying back to us.

Matthew had hoisted me along.
Hooking his arm under mine.
Taking us both to an old cabin.
Long abandoned and disowned.

Men upon saddle.
Entered Sharin's tear, a little town less than mine.
But still more than nothing.
We eluded suspicion huddled beside ashen rubble.

A chimney's corpse concealed us well.
Both of us coughed and sneezed.
Choked and wheezed.
On the dust and ashes left in the wake.
Of Lord Toblin's last mistake.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
Toblin recalled the voice of an angel.
Still untouched and pure as fallen snow.
Her servants tripped over feet held in glass.
Filled with emptiness and unable to support.
In the face of her breeding and gloriously divorced position.
From the grave her family still held sway.
Clutching the crown that would make them masters again.
Toblin is nothing more than an irritant I shall see bloodied
And humbled by nights end.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
After Seeing Sharin's tears dried up and gone,
I laid back in my entitlement as two stooges,
With unblemished necks, I hadn't the strength to bite.
Delivered me and my carriage to Cornelius's logic.
Hopefully he'd be open to reason and able to appreciate true beauty.
Otherwise I'd use my ivy to convince him to see the light.
I don't like to reveal myself a monster it,
Is always a ****** affair and I,
Have no change of clothes.
He's a wise man with charisma to spare,
A mind accustomed to nocking quicker than most,
His age or freshly endowed,
His arrows strike hearts both mortal and devious.
Tacticians fear his unflappable leadership,
Politicians never question mobs of support,
Moving as one coordinated wave of outrage,
Voice cannot pierce a united cause,
Nor can gifts win the favor,
Of spoiled children,
Grown old and bitter,
Thirsty for change.
Toblin learned respect at the tip of a sword,
Fell short of defeating Cornelius by countless miles,
He'd forgotten the lessons he'd taught the man.
Came back offering old challenges to minds,
Bolstered through loss and sacrifice.
Crawling back still fat and worthless,
Toblin was fittingly rewarded.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
Joined by that dead queen.
Who shouldn't still be breathing.
Made Toblin uneasy and groping for a way.
To see her gaze turned from him.
Not enough room in this carriage I'm afraid.
His brain wanted him to say.
A cowardly misdirection sure to sever head and leave it dangling.
Above the recently resurrected House of Venom.
The loyal need fear no such poisons.
Toblin knew better.
Every man unwise enough to kiss those snakes.
Woke up powerless the next day.
His command seized by serpents swimming beneath the defenses.
He had built over a lifetime.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Andulan was perplexed,
She was trying but they weren't dying,
I've never encountered song like this,
You seven are the real deal, not copies,
Like Toblin's, or should I say Prienne's,
Untalented singers, musicians and sycophants,
Stooges all, fit only to sate my unfortunate, burdensome thirst,
When I find it appropriate to become a monster, that is.
After much exercise, Andulan retracted her vines,
Those fields of green vanished into the dirt like frightened voles,
Fearing the sight of hawks above,
Next she turned her gaze towards the three musicians huddled together.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
Toblin's mind shot him an image of what he'd do.
Before he actually did it.
Buckets of oil drowned what remained of Sharin's tear.
Her tear ducts were now thoroughly clogged beyond return.
Drumming fingers danced upon his leathery tunic.
It was Andulan, princess of lies wearing a human face.
If he turned from his conviction to see Sharin burn.
And faced her.
That snake would bite into his neck and fill his homeland.
With buckets of blood.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
He said what he had said before,
A nose not stranger to bloodiest gore,
Turned a hand to beckon closed door,
Locked and barred bendwise and hammered,
By the eyes of many battles.
They simmered with experience, drew a handbook out,
Laid before them as such options were plentiful,
Should these street hooligans, singing and playing for free,
Prove to be sorest enemy, agents of Toblin's freshly minted son.
Still hot and brash from command's ascent.
Prienne's mind wasn't one to be weighed by age alone,
His talents lead chessmasters to weeping chambers,
He'd dine at dinner wearing a bib of success,
No challengers exist for my skills to test,
A fact he had to acquiesce.
Savoring the sounds of old crones and men alike,
Unaccustomed to losing control of the light,
A candle lit as sole companion, they'd given life to master,
An art he merely dabbled triumphantly.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Sharin's troupe requested horses,
Were given destriers to ride back into serenity's dominion,
Sitting atop animals raised to believe in nothing yet die for everything,
Costly saddles lifted from slain foes, torn from stilled blue.
Brought images of black and red into tearful focus,
They are just orphans, abandoned by an uncaring world,
Why would Toblin want to despoil such temporary innocence?
They all came to a shared conclusion,
Suspected greedy gold enclosures, sought to capture her,
As she slept below the soil that was her's to give,
Restored and given back to destructive children, who'd broken all their toys.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Wicked steel, green and deadly,
Chimed with disturbing rhythm,
John couldn't hear his thoughts, nor call upon song to aid him.
His voice was gone.
The other six performers stopped to witness a girl untouched by injury,
Emerge from the ruins of Toblin's carriage,
Seemingly unaware of the skirmish taking place,
Before her innocent, entitled eyes hidden behind a veil of lace held in place,
By a royal black coronet.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
Toblin's carriage came to a halt.
As Princess Andulan the Silenced approached.
Holding a withered apple in one claw.
She sent her servants scattering with a violent gesture.
Moving with her dress held above the muddy path ahead.
She shed no tears for the dead.
Nor for Sharin's lost children,
Instead it was shown.
She had wed herself eternal.
To the countenance of one whose song has been silenced.

Death denied and sealed away,
   Meant she hadn't aged a day,
Since her thirteenth birthday.
Spent with her loving father,
Jealous sisters, twins linked by envy,
They whispered foolishly from their bedcovers,
Colluded with one another to diminish her,
Because she couldn't wring their necks,
It went on unabated.

Spoiled by treasures of war,
Entitled by conquest and power,
She occupied herself and others plenty,
With her every need and whim.

Rob of years sorely removed,
From either crown or privilege,
Shied away from politics, a boring brother.
Non-combative and defensive.
Amidst royal battlefields,
Internal conflicts far removed from,
Outward appearances of serene stability,
To reassure the coddled and subjugated masses,
Familial affection served to maintain those welts of submission,
Bitten into common, gamey flesh once wild and unsophisticated.

We gave them purpose where none existed, put value in place.
Of lives spent surviving.

Still he was upbeat and eager to practice,
With a violin seemingly attached to his person,
Like an inseparable portion of his soul or,
Vital *****.
        His hands were crafted to bring music to voids,
Unseen yet made felt by all,
Once her melodies were given voice once more,
Sharin's tears melted our hearts,
Dissolved our rage, hatred, resentments,
Causing evaporation to occur,
Ousting us from internecine nonsense,
Rob took from us that goblet of poison,
Seldom parted from by choice.
He knew and accepted his call.
Retreating to it whenever royal squabbles,
Tried to drown out his song.
Rob out-shined us all.
Remember you I shall, my dear Rob...
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
I will never forget her words.
Of sheer glass screeching against the world.
Of atrocities whose gravity.
Is inexorable.

Once that blade of silence enabled her to catch.
The thief's neck unaware.
She sent his lifeforce rolling down a valley.
Of prevented crimes.

Halted descent to gaze into pools of red,
Falling from one inhuman reservoir to the next.
She joyfully played with a life less than illegitimate,
Giggling soulless and unrepentent,
At the profanity of it all.

Without dignity to hold her back.
When logic tried to stop her from.
Taking it back.
Janet she,
Pressed purpose to reason's concern.
Revealed psychosis and told me,

With a plain face and quivering smirk,
I was pushed back with an emptying ****.
He's still there, still alive and well,
I'd like to not be as such.

Hidden inside our new home of black and red.
Caught by lyrical promises sang by a once comely ally.
Turned fat idiot by serpent's slaughter.
Toblin's other vassal was spotted.
Grinning accomplice or not he was.
In the aforementioned manner.
I feel this version is more perversely heartbreaking and sinister.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
I will never forget her words.
Of sheer glass screeching against the world.
Of atrocities whose gravity.
Is inexorable.

Once that blade of silence enabled her to catch.
The thief's neck unaware.
She sent his lifeforce rolling down a valley.
Of prevented crimes.

Halted descent to gaze into cups of red,
Falling from one human reservoir to the next.
Each drop splashed to become happiness with a twirl,
No longer a girl.
She joyfully played with a life less than illegitimate,
Giggling soulless and unrepentant,
At the profanity of it all.

Vengeance usurped her throne,
Without dignity to advise her,
When logic crumbled trying to stop her from.
Taking it back.
I diverted that hand.

Clutching silent cure with rigid fingers.
Janet she,
Pressed purpose to reason's concern.
Revealed psychosis and told my heart,

With a plain face and quivering smirk,
I was pushed back with an emptying ****.
He's still there, still alive and well,
I'd like to not be as such.

Hidden inside our new home of blue and gold.
Caught by lyrical promises sang by a once comely ally.
Turned fat idiot by serpent's slaughter.
Toblin's other vassal was spotted.
Grinning accomplice or not he was.
In the aforementioned manner.
Copyrighted with all rights reserved. AKA steal it and I sue your ***. :)
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Andulan was mildly surprised, rocked forward in her property,
Thoughts of concern briefly washed over her face, filling her with fright.
Six loyal snakes stopped in front of Sharin's adept, wielding song as weapons,
John instantly saw what the carriage before him represented, it was Toblin's transport.
After much song between them, the seven musicians rallied behind his cry,
This madness will go on no longer!
Swords dipped in granted blood, tinted green from lineage,
Coated them in deep, fearful respect.
Dating back to mankind's terrorized past,
Unsheathed themselves from leather length and raised a concerted answer,
To foolish devotion.
Though they wore blue upon gloves, dangling from their necks,
Opaque pendants attached to black thongs, swung back and forth,
As the force of movement, more severe in its intention than most men could muster,
Brought fearsome resistance before desperation,
They need our help, there must be survivors, there has to be...
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
She stirred from within Matthew's shadow.
Grasping Silence in one free hand.
Thinking of the consequences awaiting her if.
She used that power.
A company of spear-men.
Circling Toblin's convoy with keen edges in hand.
Would loose fierce rebuke if she were found.
Still alive.
Matthew clutched his chest and pulled down.
Just his stomach this time.
Could I spend the rest of our lives.
Wrapped in song sweetened by his thunder.
I'd part my clouds to let him in.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Johnathan detested abject poverty,
While bringing riches to the poor,
They'd drank deep of it before,
However by this time they'd grown emaciated,
Rick remarked how their sisters had been claimed by Toblin,
Trapped by crests of blue held in gold,
We'll free them when the time is right,
I promise you.
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
I redirected silence away from nothing,
She'd solve it and be alone in a world that,
Would devour her again.
Beside all that would cross her fragile path,
Shivering in a ball of herself with,
Those grinning demons.
They were our friends she said once grown,
House Venom was our source of exile,
Not Toblin's promises...
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
These weren't hardened heroes,
Nor men with knees to bend.
He wouldn't offer them candy, or a cup of brandy.
Wine tasted awful, swill fit for fools,
Prienne's fearful tools.
Stillness gave them measure, much more than beyond,
Song was a weapon he had no means to produce,
Vocal cords of such quantity couldn't bring odds to bear,
Upon the likeliest of hoods that could wrap around his head,
Full of idealism, hopes of freedom and amnesty,
From an execution savored by the cleansed palate,
Of Toblin's passed on habit.
Lifted by a song leashed fellow,
Final crows and ravens would bellow,
As age revealed him a discheveled fellow.
Beneath a shroud of regret.
That blade could whistle his name but,
A crowd of ravenous onlookers,
Engorged on death and bloodied wine,
Wouldn't say his name in time.

— The End —