weaving these paths with a lost sense of compass
insouciant stroll when leaves crunch under toe
earth and dirt, green smell
the sign says no horses
and an arrow points up
the sun's fingers comb
dry wood and ask:
what is complacency?
'Lost self-sense,' J said;
eyes drooping, Hoku mind heavy
if the turtle wants to feel the spirit
then he must walk slow
ride the current from
Indonesia to Ngulu
Jamming in the name of the Lord
like Robbie does
and identify renewed, redemption song
let us praise the Lord
the jungle is cleaning her feathers
she says: My favorite
I say: My pleasure
Laugh and pause--
no unheard cause
feel the light happening through you
and rebuild your pieces
Written by: Vince Chul'theg, MasikaniCorcodile and CrackPipeKenny (SpiderManJump)