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Esther Apr 2021
You cried and I kissed you,
tasted your salty thears,
felted so close, so bonded with you.
Your thears are gone now,
and you getted to be the old you.
I treated you, with the deepest respect.
You are always around, when I needed
you so badly, it makes me grateful,
that I have the  honor, to know a person
like you. I tasted your salty thears,
the product of your doubts, grief, and fear.
thank you for letting me so close with you.
I only wanted you, and it will stay that way,
it's the truth.
Esther Jan 2021
You are the light in my life.
From the day that we met.
When I saw you for the first time,
and I recordnized you, we have the sae
colors and the same brightness in our souls.
I can't imagine a life without you.
If you leave I will be wounded, a wound
that never heals. You are just become a part
of me. You are make love to me so tenderly.
If I think about it I get thears in my eyes.

Your sweetness, your kindness, I love everything
about you. I hope that you always stay and I willing
to do everything to keep you by my side.
We are always open and honest to the other,
we have nothing to hide. I hope that It will always
stayin this way, you and me, we are one. You are tthe
sun in my life. You are the sun, that comes into my
heart somethimes.Than I t;hink I'm not worth it to be
with you and that you deserve better.

And I told you once and you hold me and say;
will you never talk that way again? Because you
are everything for me, you are my life. And I've
promised him that I not talk about it again.
We are still together.
Having a special bond with each other.
You are the one and only.
And I know for shure, that I never love

— The End —