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Joseph Childress Oct 2011
The Wildest Conclusion

Who are you
To tell me
My thoughts
Aren't worth being heard
I deserve
And demand my rights
I might
Shout amendments
Then commence
To irregular common sense

My stability
Is retained
By the imbalance
In my brain
You see,
I can't enable
These "Cain and Able" angels
That rest on your shoulders
I ain't able

Fly out the mouth
Of an astounding author
His sound
Is profound
His prowess authorized
By his copy written
Which is his style
Italicized and laid back
Crack open
Another pack of pens
And draw out
The wildest conclusions
In deep thought
Then listen...

.The world disapproves.

The extent
Of my intentions
Were wilder than I could imagine
So I didn't know
I would take it this far

The words written
Were forbidden
In the foulest belief system
I wouldn't have wrote them
If my outrageous mind
Wasn't dying
From boredom
Boarding off the monsters
That alter ideas
From beneath the bed
They reach my head
And toy with my
Tantalize and
Taint my tender mind
Then morph it
To be the tainter!

To picture death
You'll need help
From this
Morbid painter

Why do I
Write so wickedly
Then spread like pandemics
Pandemonium momentarily
Shared with you
With whatsoever
You should do


Evil knowledge
Is truth
Look in your hands
I say
"Vice is right"
Can I persuade?
Like a gun used to
****** a murderer

Some executions
Are executed
At the exact moment
Of redemption

How tempting
Is it for
A wholesome man
To make
A half-hearted attempt
At prosperity
Laying in Evil's bed
But never staying

When he awakes
Will he use the tools
Because he learned the trade
Or teach others
To not
It's hard to reach others
When all they believe
Is a happy ending
I conclude
The true ending
You can't imagine
Because it's too wild
For you.
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Who are you
To tell me
My thoughts
Aren't worth being heard
I deserve
And demand my rights
I might
Shout amendments
Then commence
To irregular common sense

My stability
Is retained
By the imbalance
In my brain
You see,
I can't enable
These "Cain and Able"
That rest on your shoulders
I ain't able

Fable's fly out
The mouth
Of an astounding author
His sound is profound
His prowess authorized
By his copywritten
Which is his style
And laid back
Crack open
Another pack of pens
And draw out
The wildest conclusions
In deep thought
Then listen...
The world dissapproves

The extent
Of my intentions
Were wilder than I could imagine
So I didn't know
I would take this far

The words written
Were forbidden
In the foulest belief system
I wouldn't have
Took it this far
If my outrageous mind
Wasn't dying
From boredom
Boarding off
The monsters
That try to alter ideas
From beneath the bed
They reach my head
And toy with my
Tantilize and
Taint my tender mind
Then morph it
To be the tainter!
To picture death
You'll need help
From this
Morbid painter

Why do I
Write so wickedly
Then spread like pandemics
Pandamonion momentarily
Shared with you
With whatsoever
You should do


Evil knowledge
Is truth
Look in your hands
I say
"Vice is right"
Can I persuade?
Like a gun used to
****** a murderer

Some executions
Are executed
At the exact moment
Of redemption

How tempting
Is it for
A wholsome man
to make
A half-hearted attempt
At prosperity
Laying in Evil's bed
But never sleeping

When he awakes
Will he use the tools
Because he learned the trade
Or teach others
It's hard to reach others
When all they believe
Is a happy ending
I conclude
The true ending
You can't imagine
Because it's too wild
For you

— The End —