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Mote Aug 2015
Whispered at night, a rapidly tumbling neon triangle stuck between decibles.
Thunder drums in fields, the fairy statues on my mother's nightstand.
And in the palmy middle, quicksand.
Knot at my neck; laughs are pulled from me like petals. Have I loved you, Have I not?

[Walking through town at night] is like starring in a silent film. Every passerby pantomim ing for coin, for dope, for a grimy existence adjacent to the rest of the country.
(Aged pinup scotch taped to a red chest of rusted drawers.
Dead lady, though she remembers model T's and powder blue bathtubs.)

I have been crying more everyday, draining evergreen and salt-serum.
Knew it from the future, being hard to watch it go.
Slowly my body rots from under me, but for now its still keeping time, still sees shadows of the people I claim to know.
Lauren Oct 2012
I feel like i tell you too much
i tell you everything
your voice hits me like truth syrum
my words fly past my teeth
fall over my lips
and into your ears

i dont know if this kind of truth scares you
somethings im sure i should keep it to myself
of corse i wouldnt be lying to you
but my secrets could stay mine
and my thoughts be my own

im sure i will freak you out when you see how crazy i am
my thoughts sound crazy
they bounce from here to there
about this and that
about nothing and something
things that havent or will not even happen
what-ifs and scenarios that are unrealistic

the truth about how i feel about you
i like you too much
your ****, cute, sweet
i like you too much

you will think im obbsessed or something
truthfully i probably am
the way you feel
they way you look at me
the lines you get around your mouth and eyes when you smile

Gabrielle Diaz Dec 2011
Peeling back my layers,
Exposing deeper thoughts,
things I do not normally,
Like you’ve injected my veins,
with a magic syrum.
One that makes me tell you all,
or disease?
Your eyes look into me,
pulling the deepest waters to shore.
I find myself,
walking this tightrope of emotion.
I warn myself,
“Don't look down.”
Never would I want to tumble,
to my death,
in that raging sea of love.

— The End —