These are the photographs of the darkness
Electrified wind of witches from the underworld
Thou hast break in the dust of your brethrens graves
Thou art the blood on their tombs cracked walls
Shall ye ground onto this eternal fraternity of bones
Ye shall be of thy fathers salvation on day of the Sabbath
Hail to all the nations of pale ghosts of mud wells
Toll the bells in the pits of Thurash and of Mandonis
This dusk is swarn upon thy return to land of beasts
Seven days thou shalt fade as ashes we left with thee
Farewell the sail of flesh in the sea of the dead
Thou shalt rise to breath the winds of trees again
This is a dream I had once. A visit to the land of the dead. Stanza 1 is the arrival, Stanza 2 is dwelling in the place and experiences. Stanza 3 is the return to the land of walking man.