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Goutam Raveri Jul 2015
Yesterday she dies,
Wait till yesterday and you are seeing.
Your loved one passes in void too.
Tomorrow passes at bay.

Tomorrow was your day to shine,
I knew yesterday my
Life shall be punctured by your existence.
But tomorrow my fear in absence of thy.

I run away, before I **** you.
Before someone else punctured me.
It was my mistake to be fixated in tomorrow,
Couldn’t plan our yesterday.

I keep your remains with me,
Away from the callous earthling eyes,
In our living room, safe.
I will trust you till yesterday, no lies.

I don’t fear your death, in vain.
But for you to pass away, as we laugh.
I am scared to be born, so I die yesterday.
Caring less when they claimed, by death – daft.

You leave me alone yet again,
Without a soul, cumbersome.
Welcome fear from yesterday,
I bid welcome.
lost? devoid? dreamy? help? no? okay? okay.

— The End —