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Sridevi Nov 2010
and so it goes ....*

No my dear son
Today no longer will I
imprison you in my dreams
but let you find your wings
and your own private skies...

But once in a while
let me gloat over your "A"s
and mull if its a steth
you will pick
or a robot
you will make

No my dear son
no longer will I
crush you with my hopes
but let you blow
your own young bubbles
in expanding varied shades

But once in a while
or maybe for a day
or two let me
lecture you
on the wise management
of your time.

No my dear son
No longer will I
****** my ambitions on you
But let you hit goals
on your muddy foot ball ground

But once in a while
when you are curled up with Archies
let me brood
if only for a little while
if its Ruskin Bond
you should be reading instead

Or maybe...

just let me offer you
a slice of my dreams
a pinch of my hope
and a very tiny speck
of my ambition

After all...

I too need to breathe.
One day, I went to a doctor’s clinic
with a chief complaint of headache,
but he didn’t mind me being sick.
Instead, he lit a cigarette and took a break.

I asked him “why are you
insensitive to me while being so attentive to the patient who just left recently?”
But all he did is, he pointed at the window…
There I saw that patient took off with a BMW.

Then he started getting my history,
with a blink of an eye,
he finished so quickly.
With such short span of time,
I doubted if my disease will be treated,
for even his steth has no earpiece, he put it on my chest auscultated.

He then grabbed a pen
and prescribed me penicillin
to which, my goodness, I am allergic in.
I asked him to change that medicine,
but he insisted ‘coz the med. rep. is his girlfriend.

Later, he charged me
of a very high professional fee.
I begged him to lower that fee, hoping for a bit o sympathy.
But only heard him say..” I have so much bills to pay.”

Are we this kind of doctor for tomorrow, who will just add to the patients’ sorrow?Or those doctor who truly cares,
even to those who have nothing to share..
Rewritten and edited
RTabs Dec 2018
I been to see my doc.
A-sneezing, sniffing
And coughing, coughing
Me not so well, me thinks.

He put a steth to me therefore --
My chest, my back
And listening, listening,
He didn't hear a thing.

But without a steth and not much thought,
I heard within his tummy
A-rumbling, rumbling and a-grumbling
My doctor is a-hungry!

— The End —