Grown up in nightmares,
daily flashback Memories became
far away nightmares
a life without a chance for dreams
became a life working in my dream
music - tourniquet and therapy has been
but swords once turned
to steelbars for stages
and the tourniquet turned
to the daily reason to smile
so..if you know anyone,
who was never allowed to be a child :
take this person with you,
wherever a stage is in construction..
...and you will see : the inner child still exists..and now it has finally found
the perfect playground to climb and laugh, where music is all around
every minute day and night
and the soul that has been chased by nightmares every step of the day..
...started to chase dreams of stages ,
of once a day build stages
at least once for every of those artists
who have written these songs
so enough of heart and soul,
to work as magic saving lifes