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starchild Jan 2018
Your all prisoners.
what you call sanity,
Its just a prision in your mind that just stops you from seeing
your just tiny little cogs in an giant absurd machine.
Why be a cog?
Be Free
And just remember. smile.
-Jerome valeska

No matter who you are
no matter what happens your not free
you need a touch of madness to be free
to see the truth of things
all it takes is a little madness

see im not just stuck in my insane asylum
im free in it
so why cant we all be free
if not thats fine
but im not a cog
who waunts to be some boring cog
yes you may have brilliance but your not free
so be brilliant and free

So yah im just a little crazy
but im not mean
i am crazy and nothing can change that
but a little crazy isnt a bad thing
so you cant tell me im not insane
cause all of this im saying is true about me
so dont let people take away what makes you speacal
and insanity makes me who i am
people have said im not and im a kind person
and i am. to my friends. But im also insane
and not even my friends cant get that now.

so hopefully you can

so why be a cog
be free
and remember
you dont have to be crazy to be free
thats my point
but why not
but not my point
just remember
smile. =)
starchild Dec 2017
The things ive done i cant
i know because i know it hurts and causes

I cant say i didnt know what i was
i didnt know what i was thinking or what i was

We had a speacal love but you threw it all
i regret what ive done every second of the

if i could change the past believe me i would
i would take away all the pain if i only could

Love is rough just give it time and it will blossom

— The End —