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Brigitte Pace Nov 2013
A body lay slashed on the ground
murdered in broad daylight, no witness had heard a sound
my John Doe had no name
to the killer this was just a game
this was the eight victim in one week
and I was not on a lucky streak
the officer's dog sniffed the ground
he was an asset, a highly trained hound
seconds later he seemed to have found a trail
when he returned, he was limping towards me and ****** in his leg was a rusty nail
I took it out and put it on the palm of my hand
saw a flash coming from the woodland
we ran into the woods looking for clues
this led us to more bad news
a car in a ditch, two more we found dead
spatterings of blood, a deep crimson red
the killer was still on the run
I felt it was useless waving my gun
the officers left to carry on with the search
in the distance I saw a winding road and a small church
could the killer be hiding there
or was he still in the woods over here
I walked down a bumpy lane
and felt a sharp object pointed at my brain
it didn't take me long to figure it out
I couldn't move, I didn't shout
I heard a terrible high pitched sound
in the background
oh how I thank that brave hound

Brigitte Pace
SE Reimer Dec 2013
my dreams walk
the blurred lines
between sub-conscious
hopes and fears
never predictable,
ever straying
tiptoeing further
than i dare think
in waking moments,
from some sleeping recess
the dusty musings
of experiences forgotten,
it uncloaks
a painting masterful
hidden long
and then defiles
its canvas
with the random spatterings
of fearful colors,
running down
fluid feardrops
from frame to easel
and onward to the floor
until it pools at my feet...
where it wakes me
from my restless sleep
leaving me to wonder
just how many more
hidden passageways
and rooms are waiting
to be unlocked...
and then...
Post script.

feels unfinished... but then...
aren't they all
Alexsandra Danae Oct 2011
SUCH an ancient wisdom radiating from HIS words
chiming through each syllable this wise, OLD MAN spoke
granting me visions beyond the obvious of my world
a time to uncover comprehensions that have not yet awoke...

KISS the man - the boy, then rip out his beating heart
eat his pulsating ***** as it fades, as it pumps, dripping its final blood
savor the sensation of terminated life gushing through your red, sticky fingers
watch his flesh, sprawled on the floor, die in its own flood

THE OLD MAN knew - HE could see through to the true me
though I had never encountered HIM in this life before
HE told me to, "**** the man, free, and
"Repent of all the years spent wallowing in monstrosities and sin..."

"LOVE the man before you rip out his heart
"Bite by bite, be nourished as he dies in hell
"feel his life-blood smearing on your face, dripping off your chin..."
all of this the guidance, all the OLD MAN had to tell

THE OLD MAN whisper-spoke with a cracked, arid voice
crowned tones birthed of a knowledge, a wisdom, the man never possessed
for all of this, I have cried, but now I am done
the OLD MAN, to me, also said, "now to be blessed..."

I'LL kiss the man, then, heartlessly tear out his heart
I shall shred it, destroy it, spit as I throw it to the floor
****** spatterings, glistening red, surround me
and it is by this end, le fin, that I'll reach out and grasp the **** of my new door

OR so the OLD MAN told me...
Jeremy Ducane May 2020
A blast of playful air that hits me with a whoop.
Enthralling, charismatic weather  - in your face!

A gutsy wind that spices up the day, twisting,
Teasing leaves to mass hysteria by the rush,

The flourish of a superhero cape then instantly away
To riff across the valley trailing shards of rain

Climbing for a mile to trees seen against a roaring sky
Then arcing back with shock wave force of

Spatterings that sting but wake me to
A pitch of seeing, cascading words around me,
Of a world now sharp and new - edged,

With delight.

Almost too much to write.

— The End —