banana bubblegum and magnetic poetry the crickets on my front porch at three in the morning making origami cranes out of butcher paper even when I forget whether it's mountain fold or valley fold and my crane turns out looking like a seamonkey in a blender wildflowers! striped button-down shirts and plastic dinosaurs singing Juanes at the top of our lungs (Gah, you know I can't speak Spanish.) laughing at the serious parts in movies having the patience for when the words don't come out and I have to stop
and think
(for a very long time) and half the time it doesn't make sense anyway. impromptu dance sessions on the side of the road doors flung open, radio up chocolate chip pancakes out-of-town adventures mailboxes. LOTS. balcony raves with lots of glowsticks and let me borrow that top!
just letting me sleeeeeeep
the smell of new pointe shoes of New Orleans of bluebonnets telling me when I look awful (please) making me eat things that I don't like SNUGGLEBUNNY TIME drive-thru people who hate our guts That's What She Said's. praising Buddha naked dysfunctional kites paying in change at Chicken Express late night phone conversations when I sound drunk (but I'm not, I'm tired. I just would rather talk to you than sleep.)
cupcakes, uniform closets not shaving our legs in the winter shadow puppets, rap songs, Slumdog Millionaire making once-in-a-lifetime faces looks that speak oceans pecan pralines and symphony orchestras you'll never play with again but for that night you're family and you'll never forget it.
matches (aren't always for candles) thousands upon thousands of candids and the not-so-candids saving kisses in your pocket for later Neverland, Disneyland, cats yellow dresses and stage make-up watermelon Jolly Ranchers saying my name like it's wrapped in blankets and knowing that even though I don't say it as much as I should: I do.
Sleep, where for art thou, Sleeep, I need you now. Sleeeep, let me feel you, Sleeeeep, I hear your coo. Sleeeeeep, caress my face, Sleeeeeeep, I feel your embrace. Sleeeeeeeeep, closer you come. Sleeeeeeeeeep, I am numb.