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WL Schuett Mar 2018
Night colloquies of heartless
Predatory growls
And the soulful cries of prey .

The shadow between us
raged with hellfire .
Burning fields of voiceless thunder
Unpainted houses,
Ministries of snakes .
Enchanted pond flowers
Ritualistic smokescreens
Put blood in your eyes
Eating songbirds for eternal life .
Saved !
An innocent surrendered
To a shutterless window .

The false fire in your belly
Is speaking in tongues,
Swaying in wraith
To a sermon knocking on
A door forever locked
By ethereal stillness .
Weeping in post ******
Ceremonies of a
Forest with a thousand eyes
Where Everyone is prey .

Feasting on innocence
And ignorance.

Soft wanton evil growls.
The Songbirds shadows drift
Stolen from the souls
Of previous times .
El Oct 2018
Solitude, is deafening
The altitude is reassuring
Watching leaves take flight
Slowly descending
The Gust of the breeze
Pushes me closer
Im High above the forest
No more am i chained to
An empty existence
The birds call me
Carefree and lively
Wish me farewell
Im no longer part if your
Shutterless home
No more blinding flourescent light
Ultraviolet warmth is caresesing
Providing solace, something
I never could give you
You only want me when
Im around, never when we part
You cannot touch me
When im dancing recklessly
You cannot change me
When im running into the wind
Try to catch me
Faster than light
Lighter than air
Time is all i have
Something you try to beat
That is me
Mystifying, the more you try to comprehend
The more you become transfixiated
Ease yourself into my
Madness, we'll linger
Together, lost in infinity

— The End —