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Lawrence Hall Nov 2023
Lawrence Hall, HSG
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                                Shrifts, All Sizes

One hears of someone getting a short shrift, of course
But where does he get a shrift? At Amazon?
And are there any long shrifts available,
Fashioned in Sri Lanka or Honduras?

I have never felt the need for a shrift
Pajamas are just fine for me, thank you
But if I had one it would need to be
A long shrift, please, since I am rather tall

On the subject of shrifts

I don’t mean to be a bother or a bore
But can I buy one cheap at the local shrift store?
Short Shrift
Tim Deere-Jones Feb 2021
Up’s down in the cold cwm
Where corries calm lake
Mirrors cloud piercing peak

Bright moon and star stud sky
one fox calls through frost still night
no answer comes

Wind gifts bloom blizzard
petal storms blackthorn flower
Short shrifts shard shower
some reflections of my home region of PENFRO in the far west of Wales: and it IS spring here now at last...after a long covid winter the sun is shining today and the flowers are blooming and the birdsong has been amazing!

— The End —