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Over many have tried no one succeed but i may have reached her at about sixty-four years to be exact and I never let go

Oh did she try her hardest to be able to rid of me for even a brief moment night after night did she always try

As time grew father away from us we were starting to become closer and still in that instance that I released my grip you ran

And I followed her through the darkest corner of the universe and out of the womb of the endless ocean and even deeper into the abyss

Even after all this time she was still unharmed and I am but a sherreded memory lost in the deepest of files but yet you remain in my heart

Ever longing to believe that I will one day hold you in my burning arms once more and have your tears wash away the flames and the fumes

Giving yourself up like a pebble on a beach won't help forget her oasis in the red
Sands that glew darker than your blood

Getting rid of the mistakes I caused upon you won't make you a star nor will it make you an angel but you will be nothing

— The End —