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Gabriel Monet Nov 2010
What the **** is inside of me
Pain, Desire, agony
Scratching at the surface
clawing at the flesh
ripping out the hair again
and lapping up the rest
leave nothing for the vultures
leave nothing for the ******
spreading your disease on me
all of you are ******* ******
singing the same ******* songs
as a million times before
all of you are ******* usless
it's useless to resist it
I'm drowning in this ocean of lies
i just cant reach the surface
i just cant ******* breath
why the **** are you near me

die, die, die
i want you gone
i want you dead
you are not a victim
you are a pig
a ****
a disease
i am the cure

get the **** out of my head
out of my dreams
i just cant seem to get away
i cant breath
when will the light come
when will i stop hurting
stop hating
stop feeling your touch
long after you've gone

Build your self up
stand on your own two feet
rise above
born again
the hatred still seeths
it emerges when she's near
put on your mask
hide your pain
your darkness
darkness within
dont tell me you care
there is nothing inside of you
is there?

I will never find peace
I will never find happiness
I will never find solace
I will never find a moment
to simply relax.
Monet Vareschi Copyright
aerin Sep 2014
the day i will stop loving him
is fanciful and fictitious

he makes me melt by his complexion
his granduer beauty and alluring charm

his voice makes me euphoric--
blossoming with jubilant

fire ignites within my lungs as i catch gaze of him
fire seeths within my alabaster skin,
boring holes into the precious epidermis

the affectionate, passionate feeling i feel when i see him--
its unexplainable and inexpressible

his jade eyes are the epidemy of color
a widespread concentration of lust

his voice is the sound of angels crooning
mellifluous, harmonious, dulcet

but once that pure, divine resonate had vanished
i hear of melancholy and despair; sorrow and despondancy


— The End —