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Kirsten Martin Mar 2011
At 4 am
He tried to talk about the stars
For some reason, you told him it's because he's never ****** before
And we all acted like that was okay

After he stumbled his best away from us
I told you how wrong you were
Then you asked if I could 'maybe help him out a little'
I haven't told you just how wrong that was

Waiting, standing, or sawying on the porch
We were joined by the others
To move on upstairs

Light it, smoke it, pass it, drink it
Now count them
Two, three, four, one after another
The bodies that dropped and rest where they fell
Producing a sweet slumbering silence
That I tried to take advantage of

But no, the guest bedroom is open
And you're awake
And you're drunk
And you smile at me crooked
I know very well your twisted pursuit
I know I'm not taking advantage of anything

We finish.

Back across the hall
To where your brother, among the others, slept
And I hoped he was dreaming about the sky
Or the conversation I would have liked to have with him about it

Almost 8 in the morning
Time for me to leave
But you had to lose your keys
And wake your brother to take me

In his truck, in the mirror
I examined myself
And said I looked like ****
He didn't even laugh
Instead, he told me that I never could

I lit a cigarette
How he could say that
Not wondering
Why you never have.

We pass the construction, the apartments, and reach the house
I hugged him
'You're better than us.'

It's 10 pm the next night
And I hope he still wants to talk about the stars.
Rember the sounds,the sights,our laughter
The joy that rushed us and filled our evey being
the pulsating beat of an excelerating moment
the thumbing of our hearts to the waves of the music
our touchs and our glances and our disires
the satifaction of a gentle brush of skin and plastic
melting in you,energizing you,flowing through your body
the washed-out,blurred faces emulating heat
the soothing flashes of colorful light swirling in mid air, fading and reviving
with a gaint dark mass underneath and in it,
moving and sawying in sync, as if it's one intity,yet it's many individuals,faceless and pure
the smell of over heated,moist bodies glowing in the light
so sweet and alluring and sureal,overdriving our senses
mixing them together into euphoria,into exstacy,flowing into our veins,tingling
then it's gone, all in one moment,
your alone,your scared,your not one intity but one person
reasoning flys back to you,reality lingering in
memories and regrets and lies and happiness sink slowly into your brain filling you with emotions
you recall your last moments of exstacy
then walk away
leaving everything in a shattered mess,not bothering to fix or face it
taking one moment,one piece, from thousands and your's gone

— The End —