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Bryant Aug 2018
Emulsify​ my fragments with yours
We become puree
Our mixture is pliable and capable of smoothing any blemish

A false sense of durability, like layers of plaster over diminishing foundations

A stern wind sends us to chattering and reduces us to shards

An upside-down jigsaw with so many pieces who's interlocking combinations are infinite and impossible

We beset upon this futile quest with reckless abandoned
Punitive passions emblaze our cornea and deafen our cochlea

These inflictions only intensify our other​ detection receptors
Emboldening our synapses with astroglia most hearty and foolish

In the face of self-imposed adversities; the chortling consumes us
Mole hills spur and contort; vertically and violently
Titanic crags obstructing our path and encumbering our better natures
Yet the giggling continues

Brave men will face death without question, but only those who have tasted oblivion jest at it's expense
When you feast on everything and nothing, imagination and fear are savorless against your palate

Sordid sentinels
Mechanisms, blueprinted in hedonism and swill
Completely ****** by design

We are the crusty plaque in the corners of each others lips
The coke-like residue that accumulates from the burning depletion of our crude resolve

Exhaustion smogs our atmosphere and silts your dermis
The granulation makes you coarse and curt
You find friction in all things
There is no refuge for relief
Even afloat amongst the stellar ylem, the invasive abrasion intercepts your drift

Nothing is sacred!
Nothing is truly yours!

Your inter-most thoughts scream from the windows of their cells

You have been divulged and further more, made completely bare
A sort of ****** where opinions can be made on the hue of your skeletal system
Stark and helpless; sprawled wide
Revealing every tiny nook of your crevices, giving breath and larynx to your insecurities

A vivisection

The young men and women gather around the respiring corpse
Every deffect will oust it's cause
A foreign recollection of your story
Quivering and flinching under the pressure of a razor thin plane

Blankly, they stare like bipedal bovine
Sweetness and sorrow is wasted on them
They only seek silence for the deft and ******* for the blind

Now! both have been provided!
Bryant Aug 2018
Rest In Peace
Rip Van Winkle
A snoring bore
Mooring to my piers
Bygone pylon
Daylight mist
Remiss adrift
Chris craft
Dingy dinghy
Drab inflatable raft

Don't ******* look at me like that!

Killing the albatross
Amass abashed
Lucky flittering kite in flight
Struck by lightning
What a sight

Starlight star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish; I may
Probably fade away

Gelatin legs
Sea knees
Crashing wave
Shaking wake
Forever on the long sway

Saline cauldron set to boil
Erupting caldera
Alantic calamity
Pacific pacification
Endless emaciation
Savorless salivation

Jowls bursting
Drooling laytex enzyme slime
Sheening smear; gleaming malformed mask
Mimes mimicking monsoon grins
Chalky carapace eroded
Vellum revealed
Until talc no more
Bryant Nov 2018
"Do you think thats what happens when you die, an eternity occupying the last space your consciousness surveyed."

I will wait in that place where your silhouette was made perfect and whole
Impatience, will chatter through my toes
Anticipating my chance to merge our souls
Sensually synchronizing; spirits spiraling
Spinning down with the finality of dish solution

Soylent Green
Waste water
A job well done
Done dirt cheep

The Economy Package

Putting up my entirety as capital

Dredging in the red
There are dollars in the margins
Black ink deluge
Staining these ****** shoes

Paying gangbusters dividends in,
Blue chip
Wholesale "*******!"
Padding your wallets  
Adding diversity to your portfolio

This is the game
Your are only as interesting as your generosity

God, I want to save you
After every failure
I debate the resonance of my decency

For **** sakes
Can you see the passion I feel?
Bursting from my pores
Wishing to whelm your tumultuous pain

Envelope you and make your struggles my own
Like plasma we separate
All of our preciousness  rising to the top

It's unfair for there to be so little nectar floating above the mud

That's all we are
When we are long simmered and reduced down
Bland bitter roroux
Garish gravey inundated with savorless gristle

No salt
No pepper
This our lives
This is the only flavor

At any cost
All was lost
Love dwindles
Empty handed
Fading with each waving farewell

Alas, I am a lone
Completely worth knowing
Even if only to suffer

Obviously; Crazy

— The End —