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Frank Key Feb 2015
I deserve you.
And you deserve me.
This isn't about time or ***.
Distance and days apart
Can't hold me back.
My heart is raging forward.
My body is just the foam on the wave.
A pretty face,
With no control
On what's below.
But I want to come for you.
I want to be yours.
I don't have a choice.
But I want to ride the wave.
Frank Key Feb 2015
All this:
- sleeping until noon
- going to the gym to forget
- watching Friends for hours
- doing sporradic "educational" ****

Cannot be healthy.
It grabs onto me every once in a while.
Out of nowhere I get paralyzed.
I feel like nothing
Drifting in a sea of everything.
I should be doing.

I need to find what "it" is.
And get it together.

I've got one friend. Ryli. My sort of girlfriend.
I'm getting way too attached. I really feel...
All sorts of crazy ways about her.
But it's starting to show and I'm worried I might just be
Acting crazy.
There's a big difference between
Feeling crazy in love
And acting crazy in love.
There's a fine line between
Thinking about them all day,
And thinking about sacrificing
Goats to them all day.
Just a few words away.
I've got to chill.

— The End —