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jess Oct 2012
you make me
laugh untill i cry
smile untill i hurt
freeze in my place
stutter when i talk
blush when i fine
trip when i walk
gaze untill im told
dream untill i cant hold you
i wake up in a dash &
run out of the door
when i see you in the hallway
you alway say hi
i was never even wondering
untill a rumer started one day
they told me it would happen
i had not a clue
untill i walked through that door one day
stopped and stared at you
you smiled and said to me
jessica i love you
would you be my girlfriend
because i think your mighty fine
i think your amazing
every day and every night
i looked around and saw everyone staring
from football players to cheerleaders
and even the little league
i couldnt saw i word but my smile said it all
i was stunned as he walked toward me and i thought
lips to lips
arms to arms
bob and weave
this is what i dreamed for
everyday amd every night
i got not what i hoped for but much much more
i still love him
i will see him one day
when god opens my door.
tomkrutilla Dec 2012
when a whisper turns into a rumer none is safe
the essance of a battle can be found in the vortex of the combatants
if the mistakes you make are muliplied you can subtract each one by love and commitment
i heard you...i heard you... i heard you... what did you say
if you feel alone on this earth you won't alone you still have your ego
tom krutilla Feb 2014
when a whisper turns into a rumer, no one is safe
as I remember those soft fingers and tender touch
that numb the lies

the essance of a battle, can be found in the vortex
of the combatants who's sores are scarred memories

If you feel alone on this earth you won't be
you still have your ego

If the mistakes you make multiply
you can subtract each one by love and commitment

— The End —