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Lysander Gray May 2013
Treasury  Casino - 2:30 am

From my seat in the smokers section
I can see the Brisbane eye,
the river,
and the  performing arts center.
Streetlights  are mans answer  to the cosmos

"Everything you can do,
I can make better."

Once it was said that we were made in God's image.
Now we can safely say that God was  made in our image.

I am in a quiet place of the universe, the night stretches on
visible through the stately
carved of old wood  and sandstone.

I am in a suede armchair, winged for pleasure.
The ceiling in this room is twice as high as an ordinary room.
Circular steel ***** hang down like a path of bubbles
left  by a leviathan.

My water was poured  with panache.

Let me set  the scene for you:
I'm in the  Treasury Casino, this building was once the QLD state treasury, it never changed really.
Sitting next to  window that overlooks the river, a glass of water sits to my left. The room is the size of a double garage, maybe bigger. The floor and ceilings are made of old wood, the walls are decorated with a transparent gray fabric that remindsme of smoke. An old marble fireplace sits in a wall studded with tiny lights that resemble stars or candles. Above me is a series of hanging circular light fixtures that resemble a trail of bubbles left by a leviathan.

This room was designed for,  and houses opulence.  
The TV plays Eminem.

Peter Garrett dances like a Parkinson's sufferer.
And looks like Disco-Nosferatu.

We have  killed the night
and neon power
and infomercials
**** the romance
once held
by late night solitude.
I was trapped in Brisbane one evening from 'round midnight till 6am and kept a journal of my experiences, thoughts and rambles of the night in a stream of consciousness style.

Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Jerry Howarth Nov 2021
Text :Romans 8:26-27

26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

I have read this passage numerous times, but just recently after reading it, I saw something that has made a great impact upon me; the prayer ministry of the the Holy Spirit for us believers in Chirst.
In fact it has made a great difference in my prayer life. Take  a word for word look at this passage.
A. "Likewise, The Spirit helps us in our weakness"
  1. Likewise is a reference to the 25th vs. that is a reference to our
      having prayed for something, but is a long time coming,
     requiring us to have patience. So the Holy Spirit enables us to be
    strong with patience. This remindsme of Heb. 11:1 "Now faith is
   the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
   a. Most of us are weak in patience - I know I am; when I pray for
      something I want it yesterday if not sooner, and when a few
     days go by and  what I prayed for doesn't materialize, I just give
     up hope....
  b. But now I pray and thank the Holy Spirit for strengthening my
     hope. YOU PRAY TO THE HOLY SPIRIT? Yes I do, to GOD THE
B. "For we know not what we should pray for as we ought."
  1. James warnes us about "praying and recieving not because we
     pray amiss."
  2 So I have started praying about something on my heart, "Dear
     Holy Spirit, please pray about.." whatever the subject is I have
     in mind.
   a. Example: Last week I learned of a brother looking for a  new job,
       so I prayed: " Dear Holy Spirit, please pray for a new job for so'n
       so. I thank you in Jesus  Name." The next Sunday he told the  
      SS class about a  new job he receved.  
b. Why did I pray those words? Look at our text again, the last part
   of it. "The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us"  
   1. My resonng is, if the Holy Spirit is going to make intercession
       for me, then it just makes sence to ask Him to pray for me, about
       what's on my heart.
c. The Holy Sririt makes intercession on our behalf wth "groanings",
    Our groanings, Our weepings, Our sighings, words we cannot
    utter...but the Holy Spirit understands the burden of our heart
d. IJn.5:14 tells us "that if we ask anything according to His Will,"
    but too often we do not know God's will about a matter - that's
   where the Holy Spirit's intercessory ministry comes in, so I pray:
   "Dear Holy Spirit, as you make itercession for me,  please pray for
    God's will about this matter, Thank you, in Jesus Name "
II. Since I started praying asking the Holy Spirit
    to intervene on my
    behalf,I have senced a presence of the Lord
   stronger than I had
   before; I have felt a peace and calmness
   surounding me, and joy
   that I cannot find words to describe.
    My friends, the greatest prayer warrior you
   can have is the Holy Spirit.

Pray for me Holy Spirit,
For I know not
How to pray
As I ought.

Make intercesson to God the Father
For me, I pray,
That I might know
His perfect will today
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Sermons
Please give me some slack on my spelling

— The End —