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Terry O'Leary Aug 2013
Inhaling, hushed, from hashed cigars
    my mind implodes in Malimar
        where Naiads bathe in caviar -
            I dream of dwarves and three-eyed tsars.

The captive kiss of Princess Mars
    (who talks in tongues at seminars)
        burns red beyond Her blue boudoir -
            I writhe within Her pale peignoir.

Her Maids gloss lips with cinnabar,
    bedizen cheeks in dusts that mar,
        serve teas beside the reservoir -
            I sip them from a samovar.

Disguised in smoke and lamps of spar
    Her Genies gender gold dinars,
        evoking flames in ginger jars -
            I plea before the Commissar.

At Princess’ neighbourhood bazaar,
    white shadows slip through doors ajar
        to drape my dreams in ash and char -
            I long await the Avatar.

Her Merchants (preening, proud Hussars)
    paint pretty scenes on VCR’s
        while sailing ships to Zanzibar -
            I strum the strings of warped sitars.

Her Prophets sometimes cruise in cars
    else while at each and every bar
        to speak of space and time bizarre -
            I pass my pride for small pourboires.

Her Necromancers trace in tar
    tall tales of wisdom flung afar,
        transported by the Registrars -
            I hitchhike on their handlebars.

Her seers conjure repertoires
    where She and I are on a par
         in infinite surreal memoirs -
             I sometimes sense the void is ours.

My Princess never sees the scars
    cut by Her whispered “au revoirs” -
        I often wake to ask ‘who are
            these Gods that sail the distant stars?’
Chris Fernandez Jan 2017
How do you love yourself? Here's a place I've found to start
Take your dreams, ideas, worries, wrap them neatly into your heart,
Package away with care, insert directly into your chest,
Shoulder on armour, from any danger keep it apart.

Carry yourself through school, stay weary of gold stars
For teachers glares will tear, red pens cut deep becoming scars
Hold through education; if you must, make it automation
Discovering who you are, from Kindergarten to Registrars

Hang on till graduation, receive that paper degree,
Hunger for learning and self-awareness; ignore the loans and fees,
Know that you know nothing, wipe your eyes and stand tall,
The adult world calls, bring forth your reality

— The End —