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Hay dulzura infantil
En la mañana quieta.
Los árboles extienden
Sus brazos a la tierra.
Un vaho tembloroso
Cubre las sementeras,
Y las arañas tienden
Sus caminos de seda
-Rayas al cristal limpio
Del aire-.
                    En la alameda
Un manantial recita
Su canto entre las hierbas
Y el caracol, pacífico
Burgués de la vereda,
Ignorado y humilde,
El paisaje contempla.
La divina quietud
De la naturaleza
Le dio valor y fe,
Y olvidando las penas
De su hogar, deseó
Ver el fin de [la] senda.
Echó andar e internóse
En un bosque de yedras
Y de ortigas. En medio
Había dos ranas viejas
Que tomaban el sol,
Aburridas y enfermas.
Esos cantos modernos,
Murmuraba una de ellas,
Son inútiles. Todos,
Amiga, le contesta
La otra rana, que estaba
Herida y casi ciega:
Cuando joven creía
Que si al fin Dios oyera
Nuestro canto, tendría
Compasión. Y mi ciencia,
Pues ya he vivido mucho,
Hace que no la crea.
Yo ya no canto más...
Las dos ranas se quejan
Pidiendo una limosna
A una ranita nueva
Que pasa presumida
Apartando las hierbas.
Ante el bosque sombrío
El caracol, se aterra.
Quiere gritar. No puede,
Las ranas se le acercan.
¿Es una mariposa?,
Dice la casi ciega.
Tiene dos cuernecitos,
La otra rana contesta.
Es el caracol. ¿Vienes,
Caracol, de otras tierras?
Vengo de mi casa y quiero
Volverme muy pronto a ella.
Es un bicho muy cobarde,
Exclama la rana ciega.
¿No cantas nunca? No canto,
Dice el caracol. ¿Ni rezas?
Tampoco: nunca aprendí.
¿Ni crees en la vida eterna?
¿Qué es eso?
                            Pues vivir siempre
En el agua más serena,
Junto a una tierra florida
Que a un rico manjar sustenta.
Cuando niño a mí me dijo
Un día mi pobre abuela
Que al morirme yo me iría
Sobre las hojas más tiernas
De los árboles más altos.
Una hereje era tu abuela.
La verdad te la decimos
Nosotras. Creerás en ella,
Dicen las ranas furiosas.
¿Por qué quise ver la senda?
Gime el caracol. Sí, creo
Por siempre en la vida eterna
Que predicáis...
                                Las ranas,
Muy pensativas, se alejan,
Y el caracol, asustado,
Se va perdiendo en la selva.
Las dos ranas mendigas
Como esfinges se quedan.
Una de ellas pregunta:
¿Crees tú en la vida eterna?
Yo no, dice muy triste
La rana herida y ciega.
¿Por qué hemos dicho entonces
Al caracol que crea?
¿Por qué?... No sé por qué,
Dice la rana ciega.
Me lleno de emoción
Al sentir la firmeza
Con que llaman mis hijos
A Dios desde la acequia...
El pobre caracol
Vuelve atrás. Ya en la senda
Un silencio ondulado
Mana de la alameda.
Con un grupo de hormigas
Encarnadas se encuentra.
Van muy alborotadas,
Arrastrando tras ellas
A otra hormiga que tiene
Tronchadas las antenas.
El caracol exclama:
Hormiguitas, paciencia.
¿Por qué así maltratáis
A vuestra compañera?
Contadme lo que ha hecho.
Yo juzgaré en conciencia.
Cuéntalo tú, hormiguita.
La hormiga medio muerta
Dice muy tristemente:
Yo he visto las estrellas.
¿Qué son estrellas? -dicen
Las hormigas inquietas.
Y el caracol pregunta
Pensativo: ¿estrellas?
Sí, repite la hormiga,
He visto las estrellas.
Subí al árbol más alto
Que tiene la alameda
Y vi miles de ojos
Dentro de mis tinieblas.
El caracol pregunta:
¿Pero qué son estrellas?
Son luces que llevamos
Sobre nuestra cabeza.
Nosotras no las vemos,
Las hormigas comentan.
Y el caracol, mi vista
Sólo alcanza a las hierbas.
  Las hormigas exclaman
Moviendo sus antenas:
Te mataremos, eres
Perezosa y perversa,
El trabajo es tu ley.
Yo he visto a las estrellas,
Dice la hormiga herida.
Y el caracol sentencia:
Dejadla que se vaya,
Seguid vuestras faenas.
Es fácil que muy pronto
Ya rendida se muera.
Por el aire dulzón
Ha cruzado una abeja.
La hormiga agonizando
Huele la tarde inmensa
Y dice, es la que viene
A llevarme a una estrella.
Las demás hormiguitas
Huyen al verla muerta.
El caracol suspira
Y aturdido se aleja
Lleno de confusión
Por lo eterno. La senda
No tiene fin, exclama.
Acaso a las estrellas
Se llegue por aquí.
Pero mi gran torpeza
Me impedirá llegar.
No hay que pensar en ellas.
Todo estaba brumoso
De sol débil y niebla.
Campanarios lejanos
Llaman gente a la iglesia.
Y el caracol, pacífico
Burgués de la vereda,
Aturdido e inquieto
El paisaje contempla.
Ranita Oct 2021
Two sides, one coin
Lightswitch, on again, off again
Surrounded by decisions my own soul cannot face
Desperate to never be alone
So desperate I hate myself for it
Yearning to be okay,
Never okay
Sick to my stomach imagining myself trying to be something
Hoping there’s someone I’m allowed to follow
So little to offer because I’m too broken to love right
Terrified of being too small, while being too small to try to be bigger
I. Cannot. Do. It.

What kind of life can someone like me live?

Why force me to be alone

What are you doing to me
Ranita Mar 2017
You somehow had the strange ability to make me feel everything
While simultaneously making me feel like I was nothing

I'll say this, you sparked in me a love for music
Specifically Sufjan Stevens
No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross kills me
"**** me I'm falling apart"

"Here's a coin, call someone who cares"
If you ever called, I would have cared
I wouldn't have ever stooped that low

I don't miss you and some days I hate you
I hope your life is everything you wished
I know you've been searching for something more, same as me

Ranita Mar 2017
Dude, you gotta break up with her.
She's taken over your life and you're a free spirit.
You've gone through this before and I watched as it happened,
You let these crazy girls stifle you instead of just living.
I've seen you be so much more and I hope the best for you.
We haven't even talked for almost a year now because of her.

Remember those times that we played games together?
We sipped on some wine and hugged when we were done with a round of Mario party.
You seemed free, happy, just alive.

Remember when you took me to that gated community?
We laid on the dock, talked for hours.
I was mainly a big baby and you encouraged me.
You told me stories from your life.
But again, you were free, happy, and alive.

Remember how we talked about TDCC?
We went back to work and they came on over the store radio.
I laughed to myself about it,
Then you came running over from the meat department and we laughed about it together.
You were free, happy, ALIVE.

Yeah, you've worked some ****** jobs, you've dated ****** girls,
But you are so much more.
I know not a lot of people see, but I knew from the first time we took one of our 10 minute breaks at the same time.

It's written all over your body in the form of tattoos,
It's written all over the way you treat people,
It's written all over your house,
It's written in how you play guitar,
In how you smoke cigarettes.

I want you to know,
That one time,
You bought me flowers on a day I was depressed,
You made my week.

Ranita Mar 2017
I was very grateful for your friendship while I had it.
You took care of me, and I took care of you.
You left me hanging though.
I get it, you're busy.
But we all make time for what we believe is important.
So it's obvious where I am on your list of priorities.

I've realized that I think too much of certain people.
I raise them up higher than where they desire to be.
And thus I end up let down since they aren't interested in having that place in my life.

You were one of these such people.
I used to call it a heart connection, now I know it's foolishness.

I know you didn't mean to teach me that, but I'm grateful nonetheless.
I'm growing.
You were a part of that for a while, but now we're distant.
Thank you for that letter you wrote me, it's still encouraging to me.
Thank you for the words of affirmation you freely gave.

I miss you kid, I really hope school is going well for you and that you're growing in Christ.

Rocksteadylety Apr 2020
Ayer conosci el Poderoso Kambo
En una ceremonia, es veneno lo que te estan dando
Desde la espalda de una rana, tres puntitos a mi piel, vomito y me sana
Sana sana espaldita de rana
Te doy las gracias
Hoy me desperte con ganas
Y en mis sueños recorde esas memorias Lindas
Que atraves de trauma, tristesa, y abuso a ambos se nos olvida
Respiro profundo
Aire libre
Ranita venenosa tu medicina me sirve
Y por hoy vivire en el lla y en el presente
Algo que no e podido hacer ni tener en mente.
Despues de mi primer ceremonia de kambo
Ranita Jan 2023
Being wanted
Desired without knowing it
The depth of emotion in it
I want a Cyrano..a Duckie.
The inner workings
Of a man crumbling to pieces
At the sight of a woman he loves

That’s that **** about which I am talking.

I want to be wanted. Including my flaws.
More than words can say.
I wish I could see it in his eyes.

Kiss his face like Amélie
Need him like Nia
Devote my heart and soul to him
…like Ranita

It never was

And it never will be

Ranita Jun 2021
26- My golden year

******* what a huge lie
Why is my only dream to be loved why is this all you gave to me?
Why am I more lonely every time

Why do you never give me what I beg and plead for
You say you give good gifts to your children
How the hell am I supposed to know when you're giving me something and when you're not?
How am I to tell the difference
Why did you let me live in a relationship that was so good, so kind, so loving, and RIP MY HEART OUT because YOU WON'T LET ME HAVE HIM

Why God
Why is this where I am
Nothing in the depths of my soul has changed, I still want the same things, I'm still broken and unable to function
Why does it feel like I keep coming back to the same things over and over and over

I'm suspended in time and space
Stuck in a never ending loop
Nothing changes
Nothing is new
I'm Ranita and I'm ******

I hate me so much why why why why why
Ranita Jan 2020
How many jumbled thoughts does one gal have in a day?
Whew buddy, lemme tell ya
I got the mistakes of yesterday
The joys of today
The new mercies in the morning
The repetitive repentance
Giggly laughing smiles remembering something he said
And the serious undertones of fear that I could lose him
Active motions towards trust
And mindless failures where I don’t
I swing like a pendulum every moment
Not really changing my mind
But feeling two ways about one thing
I can go from tsunami to serenity in a heartbeat
Anxiety coursing through my body
(like the coffee I drank this morning)
Meanwhile praising God for silly things I know he did
What even am I
Shut me off
Wake me up
Let me rest
Let me run
Let me
Hey Hi Hello I'm Ranita
Welcome back to my youtube channel

— The End —