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Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Here I am again watching swirls in my cup o' noodles
figuring out ways to dip and skip through some loop holes
Cause I'm tired of jumping though hoops
to prove to people what I am or am not willing
to do
Roommate's in the kitchen making fish minus the bone
and I'm ******, wasting time, putzing on my phone
waiting to hear from someone
anyone to get me out of this funk
it's been awhile but I know this place
the first hint of it was in the twice packed bowl that stunk
of the first step to giving up
To sleeping in past important positions of clock hands
like employers will understand, yeah right
feeling like I'm the man
but I'm the man of nothing
but an empty can and that
lousy mouse that clicks
flicks its way through millions of pics
of girls and tattoos and more girls
It's been awhile now, quite long enough
cause I just took that first step back to
giving....well you know.....up
© Daniel Magner 2012
I walk in the house and look for you
You are not sitting at the table in the kitchen
I go to the garage to see if you are out there
You are not out there putzing around

I then tell myself he has to be somewhere
He would not leave without saying good bye
Where are you and why can't I find you
Tears fill my eyes as reality sets in

He is no longer here with me
The first man I ever loved is gone forever
The tears come and will not stop
I tried to feel your presence but I can not

I listen as people say talk to him he hears you
But I wonder how do they know that
Is it just what they say to make it easier for them
I talk but I feel nothing just my heart breaking more

I have sat by that cold stone and tried to feel you
The ground is so hard and it is a very cold place
Are you there or have you moved on to a better place
Maybe you do not have to be my dad any more

I have something to talk about and need advice
Who can I go to now and who will listen and not judge
I need you dad and always will so I will keep talking
And hope somehow you hear me and still love me

— The End —