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Emanuel Martinez Jan 2013
Concrete full of blood
Skies, smoke-filled clouds

Poison, don't you see
Of every freedom you hold

Incubators, landfills
Food deserts
Soul Scavengers
Bullet and knife showers
Parentless parents
Starving children
Hotbeds for addiction

Harvesting humans like ants
Where democracy manufactures
Oppressed consumers out of the masses
Majority starving for death

Poison, don't you see
Of every freedom you hold

Those borders you revere
Hijacking your body and mind
Legislating no burning of the flag
Where they clean their blood-drenched hands on
Can you tell what side your on
When you agree, they hold a different nationality

When can there be actual solidarity?
Profets of freedom, alienating OUR power to be
When in doctrine, legislature, and policy
Hierarchizing who deserves to be free

In contempt, not compliance
In pain, not numb
Reactive, not inactive
Burning, boiling, shivering
Out of injustice

Poison, don't you see
Of every freedom you hold

How can you keep suffering,
When you face the truth
January 22, 2013
Harold Dec 2018
Only created

It's been made up
There is nothing Good has to prove to us
Keen observer seeking entertainment
Indeed he shared life but deaThanks is a must

Lie and lie, eledge that he has spoke
Paradise, eternity and salvation
Talk of a dilution designed to loose choice
Dream of his sight there won't be such ocation

Ought he be the help that there is not
Sure enough, gave free will even to misslead
So profets, saints of burnt up pants
While living do decide your own criteria meet

There is though what's chosen to enjoy
Be it what it may, mix pride and pleasure
So name not the Good, will do respect and gracefulness
Which will be the choices of a being without measure.

— The End —