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It harassed free fall, it was affected by the friction force in the absence of the tefillah, the walls became more taxed and accelerated with gravity that exceeded the acceleration of time, gravity triggered the rest that was in the outside walls and made different kilometers apart, with the free fall at more than 9.8 km per second. Beneath the ground the dimension was made lower than the intake embankment, creating placements in revealing swaps in the solar position, for anyone trying to level the force of fall and its acceleration versus gravity around bodies that were moving accelerated and scattered. The earth constantly hurried its mass to preponderate and go where something or someone could rescue it, the air was inked with an offer in the cases of the imprisoned airs, which from the graves adjoining the valley of Kedron kidnapped its areas of lavender physiognomies to link it to the mantles of the Tallit, which in some cases arose with thousands of souls from their graves, to receive the cushioned rubble between which they were electro-magnetized with the blankets, and the wiring they generated, conceiving that they would gather them in the naive and demiurgical plates, for the holistic retransmission of the tract to Patmos, starting from the Cyclades all the way to the Dodecanese.

The sensitive ex-karst plates of Patmos trembled through the passageways of the Cyclades, which permeated in a ratio of the first reflection in the distance vision that approached between both physical episodes, but the second axis of reflection was made aware in an unknown perspective close to the underwater elevation of the Profitis Ilias, close to the entrance sinkhole, between the variables of the inter plates that were assigned to the reflective tapes of the Beit Hamikdash that mutated to the Megaron Áullos Kósmos. Here the omega will resume a minimum of constant forces, emphasizing the friction that bellowed by the hands of the pro-zealots who had left those sarcophagi in the Kidron Valley, in the average anchor values of the great leaks of the friction with the falling water by millions from the inexorable wind that aided the indivisible objects in the Kidron valley ratio, as a reflection of free fall hitting the friction between the Bern Olives, with torrential rains that were made periodic for an esplanade near Mount Scopus. This seat suffered from the force of friction in the fall of the wall, appreciating the burials that were and will be the reactionary phases of the Hellenistic degree. Objects faded to the state of rest and gravity that cavorted through the valleys, replicating distances more than periods of Elijah in the Judah desert itself and in the Dead Sea. From the depth of the valley, aqueous elements emerged with the proportional speed of the falls of the material and immaterial bodies, outlining the second Newtonian law, as the holy water submerged into the flow of the super-atomized savory, which was reconverted into the same Beit Hamikdash, to materialize in the submerged and hidden effects of the pagan force, hinting at the analogy of the equinoctial of the Dyticá that pushed the wave of the Kaitelka whale, in the constant of speed, tensing the force of the rocks that never stopped moving until his body igneous was quintupled in the fifth dimension beyond the consciousness of those who do not understand immaterial physical abstraction, in fractional microseconds.

The density of the rain filter that had been volumized from the submerged interstices, created the gravity of the horizontal movement that subdued the equation in kinetics that gave the differential in the unresolved expectation of the cessation of movement. Where the amount of reaction is more than what would go to Patmos, disproportionate to the macro pulleys that oscillated in the meridians, speed, and acceleration. Prior to the decoupling of the forces of fall in the already submerged bodies that were counterbalanced to give rise to the volume cords that detached from the largest chamber of the wall, to record the final sequence of wear generated by the reconversion and balance points of their masses, then the starting pedestal accumulates and is reconnected with this phenomenon of the Invisible Eclectic Portal of Patmos, being aware that they would have to enter the cavern, after having ceased their work for this mass retransmission of the reinverted wall to propel the Megaron uprising. Within three months after the Hellenistic Full Moon, the colors of the Tefilah will become mathematical, fascinating the spiritual intensity that inspired Saint John to build the temple near his cave of the Apocalypse on the reef of Patmos. The sanctity will count the astragali in front of the cyclamen for the delicate advances, wearing the blue-green of the quadrinomial that represented geodesy in its points of order and of its evangelist faction. Confusions were overwhelmed not to stop the movements of splendor in the effusions of the storms in sacred prayers in the room, which takes refuge from Kímolos bringing the souls of Helenikká, for the offices that made the trend of Katapausis after the subsequent full moon. Discounting the three months that never elapsed since Vernarth arrived on the Eurydice.

Kaitelka and the judgment of her abode would determine the corpus and the psyche of the irascible necromances of Borker and Leiak, subordinated to Zefian so that the torrential rains on Patmos are perceived by the colder of condensed water of Cassandra that Beit Hamikdash had been bringing with two anthropomorphic shadows that had been supporting him, that of a Cohen, Levita and a Samaritan, they were the guardians that came from Jerusalem to Patmos to assimilate the enthronement spectrum of free fall converted into free ascent were the fourth arrow that spectrum for the first column to be erected. The breath of all of them became more entropic each time that would be concentrated in a certain haze that was released by its titanic whale snout; Rather, I say of her presence that she was raised by some larvae, which came from certain Zeus dresses that he had expelled to free the larvae that were from her immortal garb, looking like bait for those who stalked him with necromancy. . But this time he would be very contemplative for the construction of the Megaron de Vernarth, because amphitheater was a cause of low politics for his Olympic spectrum. The energy or Evegeia, was primed for objects that took forms of papyri covered with invisible enzymes tried from Qumram, but the cause of Mortis revived the larvae making the oblivion of the era that continued after the Mortis of all legions multiplied by the phrases that were sinister from the true matter of physical remanence.
Helleniká Souls
Geraldine Taylor Jun 2017
Pronunciate, predominate, preponderate, prevaricate,

Precipitate, pontificate, pomegranate, postulate –


Do not attempt to look these words up!

That dictionary shouldn’t be w-i-d-e open like your mouth

Or can’t you handle multi-syllabic lexis?

I thought you were TOUGH, MIGHTY and STRONG

Yet lower,


Down into the ground

A million thoughts lay scattered, here, there and everywhere


I thought you were INVINCIBLE and POWERFUL

So HARD that you could DEFEAT anything that came your way


Why, this room is as LOUD as s-i-l-e-n-c-e

I see that your friends aren’t with you now

What happened to your BIG mouth! Cat got your tongue?

But when your friends are around

Your tongue can’t resist a good workout

Up, down, t-w-i-r-l it a-r-o-u-n-d

I thought that Audacious was your middle name

Oh, here comes Georgia Giraffe.  Cat got your tongue again?

The old YOU jumps out and reveals itself


Those known as the vulnerable

So why is it that when people LOOK down AT YOU

You put on a mask?

Such an innocent and friendly face!

Scared now?  Met your match?

I thought that if you had a pound for every fight you had won

Every human alive would be penniless

Silly sausage!  Oh, sorry!  Offended?

Truth hurt?  Are you a victim?

Well, imagine what it feels like to be a victim!

Where the world is an e-v-e-r-l-a-s-t-i-n-g nightmare

Look here, look there, but there is no escape route

I-m-a-g-i-n-e what it feels like to want to t-u-r-n back the clocks

Where you can never see the shine

If it isn’t too much of a HARD task, then

Bully, OH bully


Written by Geraldine Taylor ©
Pensively promended I, as impetuous as a poet
To accumulate few jocund inkling about belladonna

For sure, not as a bard
But,as a novice to nature

Stalked I, bare-footed anigh lake
Jabbed some spines beneath my foot

Yon reconnoitred I, do any luminuous light clandestined in water?
Else, any celestial gem floats  in lake?

Nay! it's the waxing moon in the sky
That seemed to tread on water

Paddled I into the lake
To grab some pallied lillies

Hardly perceived I any bloomed one!
Had the lillies been sailed under false colour by moon?

I knew not their intrigue
Nor had I, prescient criteria

Chillness of water benumbed me
Retrieved I, as cool as a cucumber to the bank

Is this terra God's palette?
Obviously! nature is the art of God.

Dark grey was lake's scenario
Stood reeds augustly amidst the lake

Casuarina broke into tumult
When the west wind passed adriftting it

Glow worms scattered round the bushes
Heard I, croaking of frogs

I felt languished by chillness
That pierced my breast and nostrils

Homeward bound,strolled I
For I had been there behind my father's back.

As being benumbed by drastic cold
I was at the end of my tether

Soon felt I, in the arms of Morpheus
On the grass, supine anigh lake

By morning, I began to fly off at a tangents
When an highland lass harped on my shoulder

I began to know the ropes of that wintry night
For it cajoled me to sleep resembling lullaby

No human hardly be preponderate
Than a mother and nature.
This poem was written based on reminiscent of my childhood.

— The End —