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Casey Griffin May 2010
The Everyday Man where does he stand
in this foreign land, no where it seems.
His mind possibley bursting at its seams.
Wandering, waiting, watching for an opportunity
one to express himself to the people of the world
show his true nature, his true intellect
Chances pass and will is lost
the urge to be unique and special forever past.
We must guide this man, take him by the hand
lead the everyday man
towards progression, towards satisfaction, towards a renowned pride.
Take the Everyday Man away from such crowded solitude
and into the narrow streets of creativity and progress.
Ashtyn Jan 2018
Reaching for the darkness I see,
I fall over the ledge,
Plunging to my death I scream,
Passing stars and planets,
My life ending or as it seemed,
Hitting the bottom, there was nothing,
Was it possible? Can't it be?
The impossible is possible if you believe.
Muck monster Mar 2016
Alone is being surrounded
By a crowd all day every day
And not feeling a ******* thing
Alone is being in a room filled with people
People who consider you close
People who truely care for you
People who you've invested in
In their lives , in their emotions
People who have laid themselves bare
Yet you're so emotionally disfunctional
You're unable to connect on any level
People who you know so well
Yet they know so very little about you
People who think you have it together
Who dont know you're caught in a whirlwind
Of depression and anxiety and above all
A lonelyness that you cant seem to shake
A parasite ******* out all the empathy u have
Until you're just a factory compressed machine
Doing what it's been programmed to do
You realize how defective you are
Not when u feel lonely cause no one is in ur life
But when there are so many who do care
Who do want to listen to your problems
To your anxieties, to your fears
People u know you can trust
Yet you've become so accostomed to this demon
If anyone is your friend, it's that demon
Looming over u every night as u lay numb,
Heart compressing as if about to give out
And just collapse on itself
That's loneliness
And you cant depart with it
Because it's your only friend
You're so conditioned that u cant possibley
Fathom yourself without it
You're trapped
And loneliness is all you have

All you know.
Written quickly, raw and unpolished. I just wanted to say (or rather vent about) how i feel.
Chelsea Gravelle Sep 2019
The Drunk Driver

The moon shone so bright that night,
Casting the world in a pale blue light,
I was walking home pondering my life,
Dreaming about one day making a good wife,

The world is full of new possibilities for me,
So many things to do and places to see,
14 years old top student always did my chores,
I want to see the world walk along many beautiful shores,

Walking home through our quiet small town,
My life just beginning nothing can get me down,
There is so much potential so much life for me yet,
My life is so full at the beginning of the path I would set,

Walking home along the dark and short highway,
It was getting late at my friends i didnt want to stay,
Only the moon in the sky shinning light,
On what happened to me that fateful night,

Walking along i see the car coming fast,
It was over in a second no fear to last,
How could this happen why couldnt he see,
I had a refletor on my back pack. Why did he hit me?,

I am dead as dead as one person possibley could be,
It will be a bit before anyone finds the dead me,
He didn’t stop the car. Why didn’t he care,
How can this one person be so selfish so unfair,

My spirit soars high into the dark windless night,
Full of grief for a full life lost lost under the pale moon light,
Angry confused i need to know why as my spirit follows the car,
I watch as pull is car up in front of Longhorn the only local bar,

He staggers out of the car so drunk completly unaware,
He stupidity took my future and he just really didn’t care,
He looks at the car he knows he hit something I doubt he know its me,
He is so drunk he passed out took the life I was ment to see

He is known in this bar even i regonize him as he orders a whisky shot,
Frank the bartender know he is the town drunk he drinks alot,
He trips on his feet and laughs heartily as he almost falls down,
He is a drunk and i hate him acting like a drunken clown,
He looks at  Frank he says “On my way here I hit a big animal probably a dear,"
As he asks Frank to get him his shot and add on a beer,
Frank says angirly  “You stupid drunk you better not have drove here,”
“So what if i did.” He mumbles confirming Franks growing fear,
I try to shout at him tell him what he already know he has to do,
Its like he looks right at my sprit and in that instant he knew,

“Where did you hit her,” he demands as he smashed his beer,
He says with a chuckle “Hey frank i never said it was femlale dear,
“Just tell me where it was and hope to god my gut feeling isnt right,
If it is ill make sure that I ruin your life you will never forget this night,”
He can barley hold his head up  he mumbles to where he hit me,
Frank prays he is wrong but his instinct tells him what he is going to see,

He goes outside looks at the damage that my body did to the car,
He tells his wife his has to go out that she is in charge of the bar,
I follow him back to my broken body he knew all along it was me,
He knew i should have had a future his sadness for the loss plain to see,

Small town living he know how to reach my famly and my best friiend,
He calls  911 even though he knows i have already met a tragic end,
I watch as those closet to me feel an itense grief full of heavy emitional pain,
The tears leaving streaks on thier faces as they fall steady like rain,

The town drunk tried to run he snuck out into the pale moon light,
He went unpunished never seen in town again after that tragic night,
My family will never be the same missing me every single day,
Always wondering what could have been if my life wasn't cut short this way,
At only 14 my life ended needlessly snuffed out by a drunk driver,
Like many other victims of alcohol I wasn’t one of the suvivors.

Copyright 2019
Written by Chelsea Gravelle

— The End —