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Marty Pijanowski May 2014
We have so much to battle
to win the fight today
Will we be strong enough to last,
to live another day?

We have overcome the distance
that separates our lives
And battle the difference of time
that threatens the will to survive.

To complicate what matters
is how we communicate
Can we learn to talk to each other
or will our silence seal our fate?

Yet we have the desire to win
and to do whatever it takes
We will get through this together
we need to for both our sake's.

We do love and adore each other
Which is how it should always be
Because I was meant for you
and you were meant for me.

M. A. Pijanowski
March 21, 2014
Written to my lady in California, while I live in Florida.
MartyP Sep 2010
We Have Broken Down the Walls

I ponder the memories,
Of a week in July,
When we met and embraced
In a deep loving sigh.

From one day to the next,
New memories were made.
More passionate and loving,
Building to a cascade.

We cherished each day,
Like it was our last.
Clinging to each second,
Praying in would not pass.

And as we continued,
Our lives intertwined,
With places and locations,
That has now been enshrined.

Enshrined in our memories,
Because they are so dear.
With special moments,
That we can see so clear.

I love you my darling,
And you will always be mine.
For we have broken down the walls,
That once kept us confined.

© M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP Sep 2010
No One Can Compare

I sit alone and stare into space,
remembering the week, we can never replace.

Thinking of each day, and what we were able to share,
it is beyond belief, and compare.

I still find myself drifting back to those days,
when you and I, set our worlds ablaze.

And as each day progressed, it became more intense,
sharing our love and feelings without pretense.

And as each day passed, our love only grew,
to the point at which, we could no undo

We cannot define the love we possess,
there are no words that can express.

Everything we did had a significant meaning
as if a higher power was intervening.

Something as simple, as looking into your eyes,
would impart such feelings, only true love could surmise.

As the week concluded, my heart became weak,
afraid we could not share the love we longed to seek

So now I dream of what we have shared
longing for more, but being so scared

Scared that I cannot live without you,
uncertain if I can see it through

But as each day passes, I am reassured
that our love for each other will continue to endure

Because you and I are the perfect pair
And no other relationship will never come close to compare.

© M.A. Pijanowski
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
How did we meet
by chance or design
would anyone have thought
one day you would be mine

Looking at faces
from here and from there
suddenly stopping on one
should I chance, should I dare.

You were so far
from me over here
was it wishful thinking
or was it sincere

Before I write down words
committing my feelings
I need to be sure
but your sight sends me reeling

I have to tell you my thoughts
and what my heart feels
Let you know what I think
but it all seems surreal

Yet I chance the moment
and tell you how feel
hoping a message will return
in earnest appeal

Then I received a response
to my great surprise
it was gentle and kind
without a disguise

What was a feeling,
perhaps a hope or desire
became a wonderful  union
of which I will not tire

So was this planned and thought out
this union, you and me
or was it destined and designed
or was it Serendipity

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP Sep 2010
Day to Day

Lady, our lives are like a dream,
Each time we meet, we add a new scene.
It feels like we’re always stealing time,
But for you my love, it’s worth committing the crime.

I look forward to each and every meeting,
Because with us, my love, time is so **** fleeting.
I find myself always hoping for more,
Because, we do not know, what life has in store.

I’m glad my feelings for you are so deep,
They are so beautiful and I will always have them to keep.
My heart is at your beckoned command
But my soul is lost, like the drifting sands.

For without you, I am incomplete,
Like sitting at a table, next to an empty seat.
I so long for your touch, still wanting for more,
And ache for you love, that I so adore.

So why does this life have to be,
So difficult for you and me?
This all seems so perfect for us,
So why does life have to treat us unjust?

Should we have met years ago,
Or when this all started, should one of us said no?
I don’t have the answer or know right from wrong,
But I do know our love for each other is strong.

I wish I knew where this was going,
But my mind is simply incapable of knowing.
It’s my heart, lovely lady, that is leading the way,
It controls my every action and what everything I say.

But know this is true, you can believe
For you, my lovely lady, I cannot deceive.
You are the princess I always dreamed of,
The vision and hope of my perfect love.

My lady, always know, I will be here for you,
And our love will not fail, but always be true.
And rest assured I will always be there,
And never leave your side as long as you care.

© M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
You have brought into this world
two blessings which I adore.
You and them together
combine to be so much more.

They are extensions of your soul
and emulate your heart.
Although separate and distinct
they will never be apart.

Your blood flows through their veins
giving them life, for them to see
You influence there every action
trying to maintain harmony

Among their triumphs in life
and their victories every day.
You will always be their compass
to guide them along the way.

You give your heart and soul
in the hope that it will fill
their fragile tender lives
with the strength and the will.

The will to make right decisions
and the strength to follow them through.
Hoping they will take your guidance
and know just what to do.

You do this every day
not asking anything in return.
Hoping, one day they will achieve
the respect and love they earned.
M.A. Pijanowski
March 21, 2014
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
We are about to meet
After what seems like years
I can still see your face
Still ******* tears.

After a sweet embrace
and a long deep kiss
we talk for a time
reacquainting with the prescience I miss

The prescience of your sight
The smell of your perfume
The sight of your body
That I want to consume

We finally arrive
Making our house a home
And I can't still my hands
from wanting to roam

Roam all over your body
Over the clothes I abore
Then kissing your lips
Your neck and more

As we make passionate love
Enjoying each other
And I know there can
never be another.

No one can replace you
It's senseless to try
You have mesmerized my mind
and already own this guy.

You have captured my spirit
Yet willing to let it soar
Knowing I will always return
Always wanting more.

M.A. Pijanowski
April 10, 2014
MartyP May 2014
We are about to meet
After what seems like years
I can still see your face
Still ******* tears.

After a sweet embrace
and a long deep kiss
we talk for a time
reacquainting with the prescience I miss

The prescience of your sight
The smell of your perfume
The sight of your body
That I want to consume

We finally arrive
Making our house a home
And I can't still my hands
from wanting to roam

Roam all over your body
Over the clothes I abore
Then kissing your lips
Your neck and more

As we make passionate love
Enjoying each other
And I know there can
never be another.

No one can replace you
It's senseless to try
You have mesmerized my mind
and already own this guy.

You have captured my spirit
Yet willing to let it soar
Knowing I will always return
Always wanting more.

M.A. Pijanowski
April 10, 2014
MartyP May 2014
Without you here
My ears can only hear your voice.
My eyes can't see anyone but you
I try to change but simply have no choice.

Without you here
I can only taste your sweet lips.
And smell the fragrance of your body
I try to forget but I simply can't resist.

Without you here
My heart is hollow.
Void of feelings and emotions
I try but can only feel sorrow.

Without you here
I am driven to make a new start.
So we may always be together
and never, ever have to part.

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
I'm impressed with your stature
Your poise and your charm
You rise above the rest
You effortlessly disarm

You're smart and good looking
All at the same time
You're like a fortune worth stealing
And I would commit that crime

You're more priceless than any treasure
More valuable than any art
It is so difficult to resist you
Even more so to part

You perceive my feelings
And can read my heart
You know my differing moods
And can tell them apart

Know that I love you
And will never let you go
You have done more for me
More than you will ever know

M.A. Pijanowski
April 9, 2014
MartyP May 2014
I dream of you
day after day,
and sleep at night
with my pillow I lay.

Imagining it's you
so close and tender,
Thinking of your caress
and your sweet surrender.

You ask me why
I spend time and treasure,
Darling it's simple
No one can meet your measure.

You are the woman
with just one touch,
Who can release so many emotions
and give me so much.

You answer all my questions
and give freely to me your heart,
Feelings never felt before
and will never, ever part.

You capture my spirit
with your charming wit,
You've completed my search
you're so worth it!

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
As time goes by
I'm just so amazed
How everything just gets better
And how I get so crazed.

Crazed with your love
And the things that you do
Crazed with your heart
And our love so true

As we grow together
And become so much more
Our respect only deepens
And our love continues to soar

We embrace each other
In all that we do
Caring so deeply
Special, only to me and you

We own the day
And rule the night
We'll always be together
Because we are willing to fight

Fight for each other
and what we believe
Developing a love
Only we can conceive

M.A. Pijanowski
April 9, 2014
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
Without you here
My ears can only hear your voice.
My eyes can't see anyone but you
I try to change but I simply have no choice.

Without you here
I can only taste your sweet lips.
And smell the fragrance of your body
I try to forget but I simply can't resist.

Without you here
My heart is hollow.
Void of feelings and emotions
I try but only feel sorrow.

Without you here
I'm driven, to make a new start.
So we may always be together
and never, ever have to part.

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
We have so much to battle
to win the fight today
Will we be strong enough to last,
to live another day?

We have overcome the distance
that separates our lives
And battle the difference of time
that threatens the will to survive.

To complicate what matters
is how we communicate
Can we learn to talk to each other
or will our silence seal our fate?

Yet we have the desire to win
and to do whatever it takes
We will get through this together
we need to for both our sakes

We do love and adore each other
Which is how it should always be
Because I was meant for you
and you were meant for me.

M. A. Pijanowski
March 21, 2014
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
You have brought into this world
two blessings which I adore.
You and them together
combine to be so much more.

They are extensions of your soul
and emulate your heart.
Although separate and distinct
they will never be apart.

Your blood, flows through their veins
giving them life to see
You influence there every action
trying to maintain harmony

Among their triumphs in life
and their victories every day.
You will always be their compass
always guiding their way.

You give your heart and soul
in the hope that it will fill
their fragile tender lives
with the strength and the will.

The will to make right decisions
and the strength to follow them through.
Hoping they will take your guidance
and know just what to do.

You do this every day
not asking anything in return.
Hoping, one day they will achieve
the respect and love they earned.

M.A. Pijanowski
March 21, 2014
MartyP May 2014
In all the world
I have never knew
A woman as special
And as precious as you

A woman who
Epitomizes love
Who's kindness showers down
Like the rain from above

A woman who cares
So deeply and strong
Who stands by her man
Be he right or wrong

A woman you would die for
In the blink of an eye
Never shedding a tear
Never questioning why

M.A. Pijanowski
April 9, 2014
MartyP May 2014
Michele, I dream of you
Each and every day
thinking how I will achieve
Coming back your way

Planning and scheduling
The very next flight
Leaving by day
And arriving by night

You deserve this my love
This and so much more
For you have given me a life
Which I never knew before

A life of happiness
Of promise and bliss
A life never imagined
Could be as happy as this

So. I thank you my princess
From the bottom of my heart
And promise you this...
We will never, ever part.

M.A. Pijanowski
April 9, 2014
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
I dream of you
day after day,
and sleep at night
with my pillow I lay.

Imagining it's you
so close and tender,
Thinking of your caress
and your sweet surrender.

You ask me why
I spend time and treasure,
Darling it's simple
You give me so much pleasure.

You are the woman
with just one touch,
Can release so many emotions
and give me so much.

You answer all my questions
and give me your heart,
Feelings never felt before
and will never, ever part.

You capture my spirit
with your charming wit,
You complete my search
because you're so worth it!

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
I'm half way there
To opening the door
To finally see you,
The woman I adore

Thinking about you
During this entire flight
Waiting to have you
Here by my side

I want you so much
And you'll find out more
When we're alone together
Realizing what I have in store

Waiting to see you smile
By what I have done
Listen to hear your happiness
Knowing I am the one.

The one who can please you the most
And make you feel amazing
Wanting more of me
As I keep you craving.

I can't wait to have you
To always love and adore
Because your pleasure is mine
I love you more.

M.A Pijanowski
April 9, 2014
Marty Pijanowski May 2014
My life has been changed
I no longer mourn and grieve.
I can smile again
and another's love I can receive.

I have searched my soul
and the depths of my heart
Hoping to find myself
and piece together the parts.

Trying to piece together
a life shattered and broken.
crying and aching inside
but not a word ever spoken.

Then I saw you one day
staring back at me.
You gave my life new meaning
one that I could clearly see.

You rekindled a love
that was all but gone.
and created a feeling far and beyond.

Beyond anything I ever imagined
or ever hoped for.
you touched my heart
right down to its core.

I've never felt this way
never felt like this
Perhaps in my dreams
or in a desperate wish.

You have surpassed my desires
and my fantasies.
You overwhelmed my body
and brought me to my knees.

And to think I found love
I never thought I would know
And it all came about
because we said hello.

M.A. Pijanowski
MartyP May 2014
My life has been changed
I no longer mourn and grieve.
I can smile again
and another's love I can receive.

I have searched my soul
and the depths of my heart
Hoping to find myself
and piece together the parts.

Trying to piece together
a life shattered and broken.
crying and aching inside
but not a word ever spoken.

Then I saw you one day
staring back at me.
You gave my life new meaning
one that I could clearly see.

You rekindled a love
that was all but gone.
and created a feeling far and beyond.

Beyond anything I ever imagined
or ever hoped for.
you touched my heart
right down to its core.

I've never felt this way
never felt like this
Perhaps in my dreams
or in a desperate wish.

You have surpassed my desires
and my fantasies.
You overwhelmed my body
and brought me to my knees.

And to think I found love
I never thought I would know
And it all came about
because we said hello.

M.A. Pijanowski
Marty Pijanowski Jan 2016
Without you here
My ears can only hear your voice.
My eyes can't see anyone but you
I try to change but simply have no choice.

Without you here
I can only taste your sweet lips.
And smell the fragrance of your body
I try to forget but I simply can't resist.

Without you here
My heart is hollow.
Void of feelings and emotions
I try but can only feel sorrow.

Without you here
I am driven to make a new start.
So we may always be together
and never, ever have to part.

M.A. Pijanowski

— The End —