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Peter Praise Sep 2016
Hope Above Dark.
Shadows too weak to walk or stand Words too weak to be understood light are nothing but light our world as dark as night even in the light
All poor, rich and poor man can sing to butter fly no more lost, maplees and boor
celebration of life is all we have they say when there is life there is hope well hope a good thing .
The last friend of man sometime, most time where art thou well we salute you, I salute you through world war I, world war II, the civil wars and capitalism you seem to exist.
Where are you now? Suru your sister was constant with us like you. For over one hundred years she lives. But not long
Biafra is coming once more. Militants in creeks to aid her Bokoharam is here
Who are you? Giant of Africa they call you. The air tells me you are the stone of the savannah. Brother and sister, imporvished or bewealthed pray cause that all we can, for a generation with a soul under this diamond sky we live .
# peterpraise
TN entertainment.
Peter Praise Sep 2016
Touch Not
Oh falling Angele
Get thy behind me clear
I see no use of your worldly sells of bells
Stop the deceit of boys and girls
You have caused enough wars
Remember they know not there right
Hence they fall for your ways
But remember your place
Cause you stand no chance
For the one who ordered your exile still remains
With his host. With Gabriel I send you this words.
Michael would spear you not if you cross the line
cause I already ordered your destruction.
Touch not my loved ones cause I would create a place
Worse than hell for you, cause trinity dwells in me.


— The End —