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Mark Albert Aug 2012
And the snow fell in traces, revealing the wind hiding your cute cap as it pointed at me while your
eyes turned down.

"I have fallen in love with you."

I nod, knowing the thing to do. I raise your chin with a finger. Looking for connection your eyes
question as they search.

"I suppose it had to happen to one of us. I'm so sorry it was you."

You relax your face, turn your eyes. I take your hand and squeeze gently.

"I don't mean that I won't, or can't, I'm just not..."

I drop your hand and lift your chin with a finger once more. I want you to see my eyes telling you
what my lips are saying.


I see question still in your eyes, but mostly there is a calm now and if you only knew what is
inside of me...

the storm, the guilt... I would glady have the pain surgically removed from it's home in your heart
and permanenty tattoo'd on my own if it were possible.

I would throw myself under a bus to save you from my guilt, your pain.  And some day, I hope and pray that I can...

and then...

I will lift your chin with a finger, kiss your lips softly, and tell you that from this moment to

the end of my life,

I love  you too.

— The End —