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Forest Mar 2017
Never again will I scoff at others
So haunted, pained and smitten
Who were once parylized by loves tender bite
For now I have become the bitten

Seems she snuck upon me that day
In that coffee shop on main
And slipped her potion into my cup
And I've since not, been the same

The barrista's should have warned us
That she'd wisped in just before
But I sipped from her cup nonetheless
And my heart, it thirsts for more

I was content before she showed up
Before she tied me to her reign
Now I'm dazed, and hungry, and all twisted up
Because I was safe before she came

I wonder when she first spotted us
And designed for us this surprise
Was it the moment my words first touched your heart,
Or when I first gazed into your eyes?

I use to think that we chose who we love
But she knew I cheated the game
So she whispers her secret into my ear
But all that I hear is your name

Love it turns out, is an enchantress
Haunting the hearts of sorrow
Calling us to listen closely
And daring us to follow

So here I sit, like a teenage boy
Heart on fire and head spinning
I try and try and try to ignore her
But love, the enchantress..Is winning
Julie Sep 2017
Plummeting into bewitchment
Parylized stunned and dazed
I peek in astonishment
My mind has never been so perplex yet aware.
The confusion infeasible to bare.
How can you be made with such excellence
Astounding how I see perfection in each glance.

— The End —