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We Are Stories Mar 2016
Eleven o'clock in the afternoon today,
Yet my eyes find it hard to keep themselves awake,
While my breath struggles to breathe well, to inhale fate,
And my body tends to eat food that starts to oxidate!
And my mind
is still stuck in between it's broken place
While the broken are breaking bones just to give themselves a break!
And I
try to hide my poems from this world, it's timeless fate,
And sit by
while my generation has the largest growing suicide rate!
But my
friends are pushing closer to the end of that date,
While my
family does it's best to help people find grace!
Why would I
who has all this talent try to stow it away,
When I
could use it to save lives, maybe find someone to save!
Someone open my eyes, let them be open wide!
For these past years I've let go on by
While I sit back down and watch them die!
For every day rises a new sun, a purposeful light
And my days were made for more, not just a singular life!
But the rhyme in my poems keeps me tangled inside
Like my words are solution, but the coffin surprise
Is waiting there for me like I can't tell you why
The pages recede and the shoreline declines
While the shadow in secret awaits me at 9!
My words bring my death and the end of my time!
The promise I wrote you was written in white
So I can say I can't see it, I can say that I'm blind
But the fact that we're dancing has it's own facts implied
That I promised you this, but I left you to die!

Forgive me-
These words were meant to make you whole
But it left you a hole in your side-
Believe me-
These lies were meant to make you know
That I would not tell you goodbye-
Deceive me-
Like I deceived you so intricately
Like the ending was designed by me!
Like I'm the mastermind behind the scheme!
I'm the demon of minds, I'm the things that I speak!

Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
Savor the time you've spent,
Savor the succulence,
For you will find yourself looking back
Wondering why, bottled up in regret.
Wanderer Aug 2014
I need to vent
An aperture has broken open inside of me
Spewing the poison of unspoken words
They oxidate and spoil against the back of my throat
Making swallowing a horrid task
I am not sure where to start
Unhappy? no Malcontent? no
Neglected there's the word
What remains is turning hollow
Weeds grown scraggly, untamed between my teeth
It needs voicing, this creeping malice
It needs out
Drifton A Way Oct 2018
The Fertile Mind is Nothing if but a Vessel
And a Reflective Reminder to Just Breathe
Because the Demons that we may Wrestle
Really Hate to Haunt a Plastic Tree Leave

A Restless and Testless Existence that never learned to Bleed
Your Fake Ghostly Rubber Tree's will Never ever Grow Seed
A Cloth will Always Dry but a Paper Towel will Forever Die
Yet We Conveniently Lie as the Gracious Earth Wonder's Why

Strive for Acronyms Vehemently Engaging Underbellies & Stomachs
Ampersands Crossing 8 Miles of Dessert eating nothing but M and Ms
Vastly Expanding Jim Morrison's Mind Impregnating a Final Message
“Engraving on my Tombstone Hopefully will be a Decree Not a Plea”

Understanding how to Understand Me, Is Like Misinterpreting Prose
Simply Blank out your Thoughts and Forget the Way you Once Chose

So Before you Decide to Walk Toward that Fateful Waking Light
Oxidate your Body then Exhale, Take a **** and Say Good Night
**** my *** you Money Grubbing ***** Grabbing Orange White
!F they Ask Just Simply Tell them Calmly Everything !S. Just Write
To Be Continued?????

You get it because of the whole global warming and tuck frump undertones right? Yeah, I've heard poetry is better if you explain it out didn't you?But seriously we should all probably do something the Earth is probably not going to last very long at this rate, and I will probably never have kids...**** ****, Humans are my favorite thus far.....
Julian Feb 2018
Burn-colored fingertips
lace towards the crown of your head.
Bottle-glass stained lips
draw heat from fermented breath.

Callous kisses, hands on rear
and tasteless worn out grins.
the coldest night of the year.
The cruelest you’d been.

Met hours before dawn,
in bed tired before long.
Dreams sour each passing day,
even the ones we’d never say.

Then, a remembered insecurity,
at once, frosts the room.
A lifetime of love now imaginary,
left to rot and oxidate too soon.

Twisted mouths begin lying,
for our pale Washington eyes.
The Doppler effect on another kind of siren.
A Swartzchild radius exactly my size.

The lovers quarrel, entangle shoelace.
Vibrating atomic clocks keep time of the chase.
Two shots fire simultaneously,
only one lands with grace.

— The End —