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TV Mar 2013
Do you ever wish…
to just say “hello”
to the world?
Reassure someone, everyone, ANYone
That YOU still exist.
That your DNA is still a twist.
That the ends of it have not come unraveled.
To shout from some part of your being.
"Hey *******, I'm not dead yet!"
We sometimes try.
Even perhaps just from our digital self,
because it’s the one people have less trouble connecting with,
the one where they can choose not to see the parts they don’t like,
Because everyone looks the same in a tiny picture.
And those pictures and profiles are not racial
Or insulting to anyone’s existence
Because those things are banned
Like “offensive” and “inappropriate” books.
And these profiles, ostensibly, they’re identical.
Which removes the need for real thoughts.
For scary thoughts,
Different Thoughts.
And so we’re indifferent.  
And we remain so with comfort and ease
From our beds, couches, recliners.

From coffee shops Where we take pictures of the nice flower the guy behind the counter drew in our latte’s foam, and click, click, click to “share” the memento with our 1,738 friends. Instead of taking a risk and actually sharing a moment with a stranger.

Even a moment of silence.

Perhaps even especially, because the very thought of sitting in silence, together or completely alone terrifies us. Like going to take a seat and accidentally sitting on a broken bottle.
So we try to break the silence as fast as we can and we barricade ourselves behind Apple logos. Pretending that we could never make a difference.
Even though we carry more computing power in our pockets than any of the scientists who put a man on the moon could dream of having instantaneous access to.
We’ve grown so much and so great. That we even scare ourselves.
But I know a secret
Whispered on the outernet
If you listen, you can hear it.
It says, reach out to someone. Connect. Make yourself vulnerable
This is how you become truly powerful
Only when you’re stripped of all your veils
Can your spirit soar with another’s.

And that my friends, is the nonsexual part of ***.
You see,
The Idea of DNA exchange can be more important than many of times it’s actually happened.
So let us not relegate ourselves to the shelves of history
to be filed under “waste”
but instead knock over all the shelves, trying to get to that really interesting looking book that’s way up at the top.
Then the world will really know you’re there
and you won’t even need to say “hello.”

And who knows, maybe the janitor is actually a really cool dude.
i realize it's slightly ironic to be posting something like this on the internet but I use this more to keep my writing all in an easy to access, single place. or as they say, I didn't come here to impress none of you ******* hahaha
Chloe London May 2014
You know the fear in losing your own mind is far from gradual at pace, when the outernet deems to be far more displeasing each time you look out of the window. Yes, it's spring and yes the sun is shining, but staying in bed feels like the undoubtably right choice, when in reality, the gliding of the butterflies that you witness will one day become just a faint memory, cause let's face it, we all die a little inside when winter comes...
But for the butterflies, it's a little more personal.

— The End —