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En la mañana sale el sol,
despertamos con una ilusión,
ver a nuestra isla ser una nación,
lucharemos por nuestra tierra después de la puesta del sol.

Ya es de noche, reina la oscuridad,
vestidos de negros, jamás nos verán,
con las sombras nos confundirán
y cuando menos lo esperan muy tarde será,
porque ya pronto tendremos nuestra libertad.

Mi pueblo está cansado de ser oprimido,
y ustedes invasores pagarán por lo que ha sucedido,
nuestra tierra la han destruido
pero de nuestro corazón se siente un latido,
aún no estamos en el olvido.

Nuestra cultura quisiste eliminar,
pero la mancha de plátano es difícil de borrar,
armados con fusiles y machetes iremos a luchar,
y en esta noche la muerte de Filiberto y Albizu vamos a vengar,
ya pronto la supremacía americana va a terminar,
por fin mi pueblo podrá respirar.

Escrito por: Yamil Rosario Vázquez (16-feb-2012)

Este poema es dedicado a todas las personas que en sus vidas han puesto un granito de arena para lograr la independencia de Puerto Rico, y a aquellos que han muerto luchando por ella.

En especial a:

Pedro Albizu Campos, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, Ramón Emeterio Betances, y los a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico recinto de Río Piedras.
For my people... I'm a freshman at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, studying Pure Mathematics. I 'm also an elite gymnast with dreams of one day winning an Olympic Medal.
Sydney Rain Jul 2013
Hey little sister.  I know you're too young to understand what I've done. They probably told you I died in my sleep, protecting you from the whole story. They'll tell you when youre older. I know you miss me. You still think of me sometimes when my favorite song comes on the radio. But dont cry for me ojeda. I love you
Hi mom. You know what really happened. You knew I was in pain for a long time but you never thought it would go this far.  I know you still cry too late at night when no one can hear. I know you never stopped hurting. But dont cry for me mother I love you.
And daddy, I'll be home again soon. We'll be together. You can smile again dad. I love you.
To all those I loved, to those who loved me. There was no "Sydney" left to save. She died long before I did.
Dear nanny. You're broken hearted just like I was, I know. Your first grandaughter is gone. You're slowly fading. Your smile is gone. But dont cry for my grandmother, I love you.
Hey Pa. You can't believe I'd do this. I was such a happy child. Smiling, always playing. What happened? But dont cry for me grandfather, I love you
To all those I loved, to those who loved me. There was no "Sydney" left to save. She died long before I did.
And friends, stop your crying. You know I hate it when you're sad. I'm still here, you just cant see me. I still hug you, I still laugh at your jokes. Dont cry for me my friends, I love you. To all those I loved, to those who loved me. There was no "Sydney" left to save. She died long before I did. To all those I loved, to those who loved me. There was no "Sydney" left to save. She died long before I did.

— The End —