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Still I yearn to find a name
A new name for my mother
A name that would give her more respect from her neighbors
A name that would give her dignity and purity
Struggle after struggle, pain after pain
Now that the British are gone, why is mother still having her old name?
She needs to move
Paces ahead
However, something still holds her back
Her capabilities will never be recognized
Because…she has not yet gotten a new identity
To lead her to prosperity
To give her a home to call home
And children to call children
Mother is still a developing country
Why? Why her?
Why has the likes of U.S.A defeated her once again?
Yet, something still tells me to cling to mama
Even when she clutches at the last straw
Love her, be with her,
She has constantly told me
“Worry not child, darkness shall surely give birth to the first break of dawn”
Mother gave birth to presidents and ‘leaders’
They failed; they did not kiss the noble sand of mother’s roots!
They brought in corruption and poverty
Poor management and misuse of power

She is still innocent
The sons brought about poor leadership, economic instability and unemployment
But the sons of my mother did not try their level best to give her a new name
Infact, they pushed her down
Forgot how much her dignity meant to her
Her eyes held craters just like the moon
Enough to make you write poetry in every crater she fell into
Her roots had soothing temperature and a great view
Not forgetting a whole pack of creatures that invite
Yes, invite, even the most prominent people around
To come take selfies and pictures that they take back to their lands
But mother, with all this blessings from Nyame or Juok or Otomankoma or even Nyasaye
Why is mother still crawling?
Will mother have a new name?
A new identity?
When will she possess angel wings that dance with her?
Is victory still oceans and oceans away from her?
I see a light, light at the end of tunnel
Light that I only see when I look at the youngest sons of mother
Yes, the youth!
They have seen unemployment, poverty, education and drugs
They have also seen industries, businesses, money and success
Why is the youth the beloved of mother?
The youth have hopes and visions
They have it in their minds the ability to give mother a new name
A name that she can honor forever
A name that suits her standards
They are not a ticking time bomb; they are the pride of mother!

However, mother needs to shape their success just like any other mother
Not with garlands or with kisses
But by programs that will help this sons secure jobs
By offering start-up finances for growing entrepreneurs
By promoting talent and innovation of her sons
Mother will get her identity through her own assistance in shaping this light!
Education has always made her neighbors defeat her
She needs to take care of her children’s’ education
Seek means to let all her sons go to school
Get empowered and be the faces of change.
The youth should be led to be leaders
And only mama’s elder sons can do so
The owners and teachers
Preachers and sisters
They can help the youth be leaders!
Poverty and hunger
A big catastrophe that always seems to hit mother’s Manyatta!
The youngest sons can cater for improvement in health care facilities
Water and sanitation, economic security and child participation
How will they manage?
The impossible can only be possible if they learn the ways of their land
If they train themselves to be leaders
If and only if, they really want to give mother a new name!
Mother has accepted the fact that the old sons could not do much for her
However, today, while I send you this message from her
She wants the elder sons to urge more investment in agriculture and tourism
Construction and businesses
Projects and activities that will favor the dearest sons of mother

By providing them with employment opportunities that will help them
Yes, help them create positive change for mother and us, the children.
60% of mother’s youngest sons are unemployed!
Mother yet has the largest number of the young generation
How will mother adjust to a new name?
The eldest sons need to stop whichever activities that hinder the growth of this household!
They need to realize that they are the eldest and they should lead the young by their actions!
The youngest sons have convinced me that even if mother is far from the sea’s view’
The night sky shall still carry them in it!
Today, as we await this new day that mother always craved for,
She remarks “I see a new name coming pretty soon”.
Essuman Gideon Feb 2015
the lord is ma Shepperd,i shall not want,with the wanting s of my heart, i pour out ma thanks
Jehovah Shalom i worship You cos ,You filling up to the brim ma blessing tanks
Lord i feel like am drifting,but there is no need for speed ,Father be my brakes,
worthy,but unworthy actions,Jehovah,help me help ma mates
Precious Lord,am loosening earthly blessing from heaven,hmmmn Papa,for your love sakes

want ma life to manifest Your greatness,with no shortcuts to heaven,cos life be some way be
onto genesis ,but am in love with You being solo and three oo Nyame Obotantim
******* the tricks of life but Lord You are able,some call Your works crazy
Baba ,Alpha and Omega You Who calls Himself the vine and we d branches
more dead branches growing out of You but Your love handles us carefully
gives us time and watches us ,to change clockwise to Him,but opposite is humanity

twisted our minds around with vanity of money,like crowns of thorns exposing our thoughts of corruption

Lord ,Your children fight  for power,with out work done only wasting time ,baseless equation
i am an imperfect vessel,getting molded by Your words ,i need salvation

Your works are amazing ,with the graces saving wretch s like us
am humbled ,Nana Nyankopong,Your creations are as perfect as You are,Jesus
pouring out d desires of ma  heart is a waste of time ,Abba You Who knew me b4 i was born
surely goodness and mercies shall follow me all d days of ma life and i
coby and my family and friends and enemies will continue to dwell in Your house ,4 ever and ever
Jr Estinova Mar 2018
I was taught the word by a woman
Who expressed the word
Endorsed the word
Shared the word
To Give breathe to the word
To Give depth to the word
Weaved with the word
To give and create life with the word
create art with the word
Make babies out of the word
Console with the word
Nurture with the word
Tears of joys with the word
Life lessons were gained with the word
Laughter and friendship came out of the word
Dreams have come true because of the word
Broken hearts with the word
Searching for the one to share life with the word
Tears of sorrow with the word
Ruined makeup and separation out of emptiness out of the word
Broken dreams and long distance out of lack of the word
Lives have been altered because of the word
Lives have been made and lost all in the name of the word
Yet, we fail to see the soul out of the word
The intensity of the word
The power of the word
The power in the word


The impetus of the word

The word is misused and misunderstood
Used by crooks
Abused and shook out of its value
The content and context has been ransacked
Those who speak don't speak it in high praise
Those who speak don't speak it in higher praise
But we await it like the return of the fallen
May we all rise in depth of the word
With love on the mental
These kind words from the Aziatic man
Deep love as the anchor.

Medaase medɔfo, Nyame nhyira wo
(Thanks my love, God bless you!)

— The End —