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はい Dec 2018
People told her repeatedly, you don't want to be numb.

And how terrifying it is.
And how you can never get your feeling back.

And How it's the last thing you want to feel.
And How it's such a dark moment in life.
And How it can mess up you more than anything.

They told her repeatedly, Day after day.
But she nevered listened.

She just wanted to be numb so bad.
She felt more than you think.
Day after day, she's was exhausted just from talking to people.

People told her to get away from the drama or the people that cause it but what they didn't know, it's was everyone.

She felt everything at once.

People told her to see a therapist or get on meds.
Threapy didn't help. They just sat and judged her and
Meds just made her more sad inside.

People told her to find love.
She tried.. But she got scared in the end.

People told her to pray and believe in god.
But she was having a hard time believing in God when she lost so much.

People told her to make friends
She made friends but in the end they just wanted her dead.

People told her to grow up
She did but that wasn't the problem.

People told her to find happiness
But she didn't believe in true happiness.

She found her happiness in empty bottle of alcohol or a empty carton of cigarettes.

Or with a ****** razor blade.

She tried everything they told her to but not really helped in the end.

Donall Dempsey Dec 2023

meeting the mother-in-law
parrot mimics your moans
from the night before

screams the parrot
I pass the biscuits


A fly did try to land on the biscuits and I whooshed it away and it landed on the mother-in-law's nose where it stayed for an inordinate measure of time and we gazed at it in utter fascination as she well I nevered.

It was a Chocolate Bourbon...originally called "Creola" and as stale as the day they first came out in 1910.

— The End —