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MR Jul 2018
I found comfort in my words
Poetry always had my back
Just like music helps people
My words marked my life
MR Sep 2018
I miss those years dad
When i was young
And i came running
When you got home

I miss those years mom
When we talked for hours
When i couldnt find my north

I miss those years Tom
When you were a little one
Not an old dog

I miss those years
I dont want to grow up
It feels like every year
A piece of me is gone
MR Jun 2018
You left me without words to express
My face said it all
No tears came out that day
but certainly there was heart ache

After you broke me again... and again
You asked my remaining pieces
If i could stay
And even though i thought about it twice
I knew you were more pain than love
And i left -
MR Jul 2018
If only you knew how much i hate Sundays
Since families get together
and have a good time
Some even go to church
And have a meal in the house

For me that's not the case
Mother goes to church with grandma
While Dad gets in his car
They leave, and never ask
If I'm alright

So i stay home alone
And watch the clock from time to time
While tears run down my face--
I count the hours for this to end
And then i think baby
Its just a day
MR Jun 2018
And everyday I tried different ways
To escape my reality
Some where good, others not so much
But what I ******* understand
Is that no matter what i did
Or where I go
I would end  in the same place i was all along
MR Jun 2018
Cause i am a "turn the lights off
put some music and light up  candles"

And you are a " get your clothes off and lets have *** "

No wonder we were never
We were never
On the same page
MR Jun 2018
i am currently living balanced
Not too much of this or that
Just the right amount

Just like a diet ...
Changing the variety and quality
But instead of food, of people
The people i deserve-  
And took out the trash
That no longer serves

— The End —