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Sir Kome Joe May 2015
I have a rose as white as snow
The beauty from heaven above
Sparkles so bright, yet as .gentle as a dove
And purer than you'd ever know
The garment of my pride and my undying ego

The nemesis of the midnyt moon
I closed my eyes, imagined another day coming so sooon
Like d panacea of something I don't know
And waiting for the yerters yers noon
Craving for a love so deep...yet so low

A blossom of natures impeccables bloom
I once had...never could I ever show
Hw much life you instilled in this sullen soul
Irrefutable mistakes of reckless abandon...twice in a row
If I could hold back d ugly hands of time. ..I would make its rotation so slow
Amending the mistakes I left behind..only then my rose can again be as white as snow
Andrea Molina Nov 2015
At the peak of midnyt,
I have caught sight
Of a surrounding fellow
With words he would bellow,
What a perfect nyt to make shallow,
To dive deep, not wallow.
Is there any other way, I ask,
Without these, no more mask.
I beg to differ is what i would utter,
Not you ever, nothing, i will mutter.
What a night of the forge,
Not I, you can scourge.
My peak of madness is what you seek
Before midnyt, I am meek.


— The End —