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A N Friedman May 2016

When Meshiach comes, what will she see?
When Meshiach comes, who will he be?
Will she see us waiting, wanting, writhing?
Aching, forsaking, wanton dying?
Will he be judging, nudging, vengeful, mad?
Hateful, cold, disappointed, sad?
Will she see us forgetful and himself forgiveful?
Will we recognize her face, and him our grace?
Will she see children trying their hardest?
Will we see a father home late from his job?
He she see hands reinforcing shoulders,
quivering with each woeful sob
siblings caring for each other
Latchkey kids with snacks did steal
To stave off hunger as they await
Parent’s arrival and evening meal
The ancient books tell us, for peace and holiness to strive
For it is only then that Meshiach will arrive.
We are left to ask, “if we can soothe our sore,
Then please tell us what, we need Meshiach for?”
Perhaps it is when we cease to fight
And all the conditions are perfect and rite
And the need for Meshiach has ceased to be
That it shall be discovered that Meshiach is WE.

pcbzzzt Jul 2010
Joseph's sons are still in Egypt
All is not fulfilled as yet
The elder child, Manasseh
calls himself a Christian these days
and still seems mightier than Ephraim
as foreseen by Israel
but has this small problem
keeping Father's commandments
having been suckled on
papal leaven
with that false gospel
girlfriend he likes to call
prosperity ...
I'd rather remain a gentile, thanks
Invite me to the wedding
I'll come visit every Sukkot

He really needs his younger brother
to come of age and stop fussing ...
to stop copy-catting Judah
and feed Yeshua's lost sheep
from that double redeemer's portion
Jacob blessed him with ...
that which speaks of BenDavid
and the keeping of true Torah
which is the tittles and jots
'Jesus' said would remain
a blessing till all is fulfilled
till His Torah shines forth from Zion
once again

Jealous Judah awaits him too
Prays each day the prodigal will come home
and tell him who Meshiach is

There really are no Gentiles or Greeks
except in diaspora
No, not even Jesus freaks
Just a faithful, obedient remnant
in Jacob's trouble

going to the promised land
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
Modern man unpacks his woes
He'd have us call it progress
The way back to our cave is paved

Several million ante-deluvians
drowned under the same delusion
How high do you need the ziggurat?
Asks ****** at Babel

Time wasn't ripe back then for God
He disabled their default accord;
their demon intent to destroy His plan

Three thousand years it's taken to regroup
Time enough for His time to be right
For the time of the end of the curse

So please, can the clever caveman thoughts
next time you imagine shuttles in space
a reflection of how superior we are

He'd downgrade us again in a flash
if it wasn't just about the time
we get to blow ourselves up anyway

Wiseup weasels, remember the reason
our playpen was restored in seven days
from Lucifer's null and void revenge

We have seven milenniums to learn to love
To take up our parts in Father's plan
or blow away like the wind

Six of them are practically over
Six billion souls in six thousand years
Created on day six, the number of man
We're at point six point six point break

Day seven's about to dawn.
The number of perfection and rest
Tormented earth groans anticipation

Mushroom clouds and lawlessness
pose no threat to YaHWeH's timeline
Null and void is on His Just In Time list

Every eye will see Meshiach come
Every knee will bow for
The Ancient of Days

— The End —