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Rachel Brooke Oct 2015
Someone take my hand
Let me show you where it began
Just take a moment to listen
The truth will soon play out
I take you back to 1997
The year a beautiful girl was born
When snow covered the ground
And they wrapped her a pink blanket
Her mother had a daughter but she never really wanted her
1998 one year from the day theres snow on the ground again only this time theres brusises on a childs face
1999 just another day for a family of five only soon things will change
2000 the mother faded away into a world of self induced haze and the young girl had her innocence stripped away
2001 society got involved but the truth was hidden so nothing came of the unwanted medeling
2002 the show is just beginning when they locked her outside in the cold not letting her back in till she stopped pleading
2003 waking up in a hospital bed lips blue and not remembering the plot is beginning to thicken
2004 busted lips bruised arms and cover ups till society has a suspicion and times are about change
are you still listening because I'm taking you a lot farther?
2005 another strange home with another family who doesnt care money is desired and thats all that matters
2006 slit wrists and suicide attempts broken promises and hospital stays
2007 just another year with more pain and nothing to gain from living
2008 lost communication anger and homicidal aggression
2009 change of a name still the same game
I promise just a little farther. Soon everything will be over.
2010 miscommunication manipulation and suicide obsession
2011 treatment seems to be answer to the problems but in hindsight it never changed anything
2012 another year sitting in unwanted treatment all alone surrounded by insanity trying to find her place to be
2013 cell walls and an addiction to a razor blade writing about lifes pain assumed to be insane
2014 society gave a misdiagnosis to the real problem not really insane just looking for escape
2015 that brings us to today where shes has learned to hide the pain just to save herself from people assuming she seeks attention..
The real problem has never changed she still faces the pain of the past and the demons still put up a chase
Maybe one day there will truly be a change in her fate but for now it gets darker everyday
The moon no longer shines at night and it rains all day
Clouding the reality of what's really going on.
Reality is a ***** waiting to strike again only this time
People will begin to understand the parts that are meant to be understood

— The End —